  warning = TRUE, # show warnings during codebook generation
  message = TRUE, # show messages during codebook generation
  error = TRUE, # do not interrupt codebook generation in case of errors,
                # usually better for debugging
  echo = TRUE  # show R code
codebook_data <- read_rds("HS_Full_Cleaned_V2.rds")
# to import an SPSS file from the same folder uncomment and edit the line below
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.sav")
# for Stata
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.dta")
# for CSV
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.csv")

# omit the following lines, if your missing values are already properly labelled
#codebook_data <- detect_missing(codebook_data,

# If you are not using formr, the codebook package needs to guess which items
# form a scale. The following line finds item aggregates with names like this:
# scale = scale_1 + scale_2R + scale_3R
# identifying these aggregates allows the codebook function to
# automatically compute reliabilities.
# However, it will not reverse items automatically.
#codebook_data <- detect_scales(codebook_data)
codebook(codebook_data, detailed_variables = FALSE, missingness_report = FALSE)



Dataset name: All data from Headsprout project

Data from the Headsprout data analytics project. This dataset includes student progress monitoring data, data analytics from their engagement in Headsprout, and information about their home literacy environment

Metadata for search engines

  • Date published: 2021-04-09


Codebook table

name label data_type ordered value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty top_counts min median max mean sd whitespace n_value_labels hist units
SID NA numeric NA NA 0 1.0000000 NA NA NA 1.0 84.0 167 84.0000000 48.3528696 NA NA ▇▇▇▇▇ NA
Gender Biological Sex haven_labelled NA F. Female,
M. Male
0 1.0000000 2 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
AgeT1 Age in days at Fall Kindergarten Test Occasion difftime NA NA 60 0.6407186 95 NA NA 1863 2073 2419 NA NA NA NA NA days
AgeT2 Age in days at Winter Kindergarten Test Occasion difftime NA NA 61 0.6347305 86 NA NA 1953 2162.5 2422 NA NA NA NA NA days
AgeT3 Age in days at Spring Kindergarten Test Occasion difftime NA NA 60 0.6407186 93 NA NA 2073 2283 2542 NA NA NA NA NA days
AgeT4 Age in days at Fall First Grade Test Occasion difftime NA NA 60 0.6407186 95 NA NA 2224 2444 2693 NA NA NA NA NA days
AgeT5 Age in days at Winter First Grade Test Occasion difftime NA NA 59 0.6467066 95 NA NA 2318 2532 2787 NA NA NA NA NA days
AgeT6 Age in days at Spring First Grade Test Occasion difftime NA NA 58 0.6526946 91 NA NA 2441 2651 2910 NA NA NA NA NA days
TeachK Teacher in Kindergarten factor FALSE 1. 1,
2. 6,
3. 0,
4. 2
58 0.6526946 4 NA 2: 39, 1: 34, 6: 19, 0: 17 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Teach1 Teacher in First Grade factor FALSE 1. 4,
2. 0,
3. 5,
4. 3,
5. 7
62 0.6287425 5 NA 5: 36, 4: 18, 0: 18, 3: 18 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
HD1 What is your relationship to the child haven_labelled NA 1. mother,
2. father,
3. other
51 0.6946108 3 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 3 NA NA
HD2A What is the primary language spoken at home? haven_labelled NA 1. English,
2. Other
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
HD2C Is there a second language in the home haven_labelled NA 1. Yes,
0. No
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
HD3 How many people live in your household numeric NA NA 52 0.6886228 NA NA NA 2.0 4.0 8 4.0173913 1.0840357 NA NA ▅▇▂▁▁ NA
HD4A Age of household member 1 numeric NA NA 55 0.6706587 NA NA NA 1.0 37.5 75 33.3928571 15.2695641 NA NA ▂▁▇▂▁ NA
HD4B Age of household member 2 numeric NA NA 56 0.6646707 NA NA NA 1.0 36.0 64 29.7657658 14.2490542 NA NA ▅▂▇▆▁ NA
HD4C Age of household member 3 numeric NA NA 66 0.6047904 NA NA NA 1.0 7.0 51 11.8811881 11.4937262 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HD4D Age of household member 4 numeric NA NA 95 0.4311377 NA NA NA 1.0 5.0 64 9.7430556 12.9405447 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HD4E Age of household member 5 numeric NA NA 143 0.1437126 NA NA NA 0.0 4.5 41 8.9583333 12.2775127 NA NA ▇▂▁▁▂ NA
HD4F Age of household member 6 numeric NA NA 159 0.0479042 NA NA NA 0.0 5.0 39 8.7500000 12.9145544 NA NA ▇▃▁▁▂ NA
HD4G Age of household member 7 numeric NA NA 165 0.0119760 NA NA NA 5.0 5.0 5 5.0000000 0.0000000 NA NA ▁▁▇▁▁ NA
HD4H Age of household member 8 numeric NA NA 166 0.0059880 NA NA NA 13.0 13.0 13 13.0000000 NA NA NA ▁▁▇▁▁ NA
HD5 How long have you lived in your current home character NA NA 57 0.6586826 42 0 NA 1 NA 20 NA NA 0 NA NA NA
HD6 What is your highest level of education? haven_labelled NA 1. graduate degree,
2. obtained undergraduate degree,
3. community college,
4. completed high school or equivalent,
5. other
52 0.6886228 5 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 5 NA NA
HLA1 How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family read to your child? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
30 0.8203593 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA2 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child asked to be read to? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
31 0.8143713 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA3 How many times in the past week would you estimate that you left notes for other family members? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
31 0.8143713 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA4 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child listened to books on tape? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
29 0.8263473 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA5 How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family made/used a shopping list? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
30 0.8203593 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA6 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child recognized or asked for help to read store or traffic signs? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
30 0.8203593 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA7 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child pretended to read story books? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
30 0.8203593 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA8 How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family received or wrote a letter or e-mail? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
29 0.8263473 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA9 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child tried to tell or write stories? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
30 0.8203593 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA10 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child discussed books that had been read? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
29 0.8263473 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA11 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child wrote or asked help to write letters/words? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
29 0.8263473 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA12 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child recited the alphabet? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
29 0.8263473 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA13 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child said sounds of letters? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
31 0.8143713 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA14 How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child saw you reading books, magazines or newspapers? haven_labelled NA 0. not at all,
1. once or twice,
2. more than three times,
3. every day
30 0.8203593 4 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 4 NA NA
HLA15 Does your child have a favorite book? character NA NA 31 0.8143713 2 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 NA NA NA
HLA16 If yes, what book is that? character NA NA 65 0.6107784 96 0 NA 4 NA 54 NA NA 0 NA NA NA
HLA17 Do you have a library card? character NA NA 29 0.8263473 2 0 NA 1 NA 1 NA NA 0 NA NA NA
HLA18 NA character NA NA 41 0.7544910 52 0 NA 5 NA 22 NA NA 0 NA NA NA
HLA19 NA character NA NA 56 0.6646707 59 0 NA 3 NA 29 NA NA 0 NA NA NA
HLA20 What other activities related to reading and writing can you think of that occur in your home? character NA NA 84 0.4970060 82 0 NA 11 NA 244 NA NA 0 NA NA NA
SEL1 Can your child recognize all of the letters of the alphabet?? haven_labelled NA 1. most,
2. some,
3. none
52 0.6886228 2 0 NA 4 NA 4 NA NA 0 3 NA NA
SEL2 Can your child write his or her first name, even if some of the letters are backwards? haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
54 0.6766467 1 0 NA 3 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL3 How high can your child count? haven_labelled NA 1. 5,
2. 10,
3. 20,
4. 50,
5. 100+
51 0.6946108 4 0 NA 2 NA 4 NA NA 0 5 NA NA
SEL4 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Alphabet blocks haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
52 0.6886228 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL5 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Magnetic letters haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL6 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Flash cards with letters and/or pictures haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL7 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Markers haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 1 0 NA 3 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL8 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Crayons haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 1 0 NA 3 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL9 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: His or her own pens or pencils haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL10 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Papers for writing/coloring haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
52 0.6886228 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL11 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Books on tape haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL12 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children’s dictionary haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL13 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children’s encyclopedia haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
52 0.6886228 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL14 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Chalk/writing board haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL15 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children’s books haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL16 Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children’s magazines haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL17 Check if your family has any of these things at home: A computer haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL18 Check if your family has any of these things at home: Computer games or programs haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL19 Check if your family has any of these things at home: Books for grown ups haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
51 0.6946108 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL20 Check if your family has any of these things at home: Magazines for grown ups haven_labelled NA 0. No,
1. Yes
52 0.6886228 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 2 NA NA
SEL21 Check if your family has any of these things at home: Daily Newspaper character NA NA 53 0.6826347 2 0 NA 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 NA NA NA
CELFWKR CELF scores Recalling Sentences Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 114 0.3173653 NA NA NA 5.0 10.0 17 10.5094340 2.3338862 NA NA ▂▅▇▃▁ NA
CELFSKR CELF scores Recalling Sentences Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 64 0.6167665 NA NA NA 6.0 11.0 19 11.5048544 2.3342034 NA NA ▂▇▅▃▁ NA
CELFW1R CELF scores Recalling Sentences Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 114 0.3173653 NA NA NA 5.0 10.0 16 10.8113208 2.7249319 NA NA ▂▇▇▆▅ NA
CELFS1R CELF scores Recalling Sentences Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 114 0.3173653 NA NA NA 6.0 11.0 18 11.4905660 3.1842318 NA NA ▅▇▇▅▃ NA
CELFWKS CELF scores Sentences Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 114 0.3173653 NA NA NA 2.0 10.0 19 10.5660377 3.1775016 NA NA ▁▂▇▃▁ NA
CELFSKS CELF scores Sentences Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 4.0 12.0 17 11.5619048 2.4016173 NA NA ▁▃▅▇▂ NA
CELFW1S CELF scores Sentences Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 114 0.3173653 NA NA NA 3.0 12.0 16 10.7547170 3.4746647 NA NA ▂▇▆▇▇ NA
CELFS1S CELF scores Sentences Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 114 0.3173653 NA NA NA 5.0 12.0 16 11.2264151 2.5768310 NA NA ▂▆▃▅▇ NA
PPVTFK PPVT scores from Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 87.0 111.0 140 112.2264151 11.6212310 NA NA ▂▆▇▃▂ NA
TPDEWK TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-scaled scores numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 74.0 89.0 126 90.6285714 11.5377784 NA NA ▇▅▆▃▁ NA
TPDESK TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-scaled scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 74.0 97.0 129 97.9719626 11.0397720 NA NA ▂▆▇▂▁ NA
TPDEF1 TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Fall First Grade-scaled scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 71.0 96.0 138 96.9252336 13.8057282 NA NA ▃▇▆▂▁ NA
TPDEW1 TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter First Grade-scaled scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 71.0 95.0 136 97.6448598 13.1889407 NA NA ▂▇▅▂▁ NA
TPDES1 TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring First Grade-scaled scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 72.0 103.0 134 101.1401869 14.1143902 NA NA ▃▇▇▆▂ NA
TSWEWK TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-scaled scores numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 74.0 86.0 135 89.3333333 11.5697439 NA NA ▇▅▂▁▁ NA
TSWESK TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-scaled scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 74.0 94.0 138 97.5794393 13.5319589 NA NA ▃▇▅▂▁ NA
TSWEF1 TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Fall First Grade-scaled scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 71.0 94.0 145 97.7476636 16.4758791 NA NA ▇▇▇▂▂ NA
TSWEW1 TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter First Grade-scaled scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 71.0 100.0 142 100.9065421 16.7436458 NA NA ▆▇▇▆▂ NA
TSWES1 TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring First Grade-scaled scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 71.0 108.0 137 104.4859813 15.5874674 NA NA ▃▆▆▇▂ NA
TPDEWKRaw TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-raw scores numeric NA NA 63 0.6227545 NA NA NA 0.0 6.0 28 6.1923077 4.8232385 NA NA ▇▆▂▁▁ NA
TPDESKRaw TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-raw scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 8.0 31 9.4392523 5.5765303 NA NA ▆▇▂▂▁ NA
TPDEF1Raw TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Fall First Grade-raw scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 10.0 40 11.9252336 8.3809093 NA NA ▇▇▂▁▁ NA
TPDEW1Raw TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter First Grade-raw scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 11.0 47 13.8037383 9.2964177 NA NA ▇▆▃▁▁ NA
TPDES1Raw TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring First Grade-raw scores numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 1.0 19.0 49 19.1886792 10.4827416 NA NA ▇▇▇▃▁ NA
TSWEWKRaw TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-raw scores numeric NA NA 63 0.6227545 NA NA NA 0.0 11.0 59 13.8653846 10.7676770 NA NA ▇▅▁▁▁ NA
TSWESKRaw TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-raw scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 19.0 60 21.9439252 12.7891698 NA NA ▅▇▆▂▁ NA
TSWEF1Raw TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Fall First Grade-raw scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 4.0 23.0 68 27.3084112 16.5240883 NA NA ▇▅▆▂▂ NA
TSWEW1Raw TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter First Grade-raw scores numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 2.0 33.0 67 33.6728972 17.1842269 NA NA ▅▇▅▆▃ NA
TSWES1Raw TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring First Grade-raw scores numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 2.0 48.5 74 43.3396226 16.6869706 NA NA ▁▅▃▇▃ NA
DFSFFK DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 23.5 48 23.5925926 12.4540554 NA NA ▅▅▇▆▃ NA
DFSFWK DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 3.0 35.0 66 35.2641509 10.9434058 NA NA ▁▂▇▃▁ NA
DFSFSK DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 8.0 39.0 57 39.0841121 10.2819878 NA NA ▁▂▇▇▅ NA
DFSFF1 DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 14.0 39.0 60 39.1214953 9.1266873 NA NA ▁▅▇▇▂ NA
DFSFW1 DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 23.0 42.0 60 42.0185185 9.1416490 NA NA ▃▇▇▇▃ NA
DFSFS1 DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 13.0 43.0 60 42.1320755 9.9303052 NA NA ▁▂▅▇▃ NA
DLNFFK DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 2.0 32.5 68 32.5925926 14.8343105 NA NA ▅▇▇▆▂ NA
DLNFWK DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 12.0 40.0 78 40.3809524 14.2210441 NA NA ▃▇▇▃▂ NA
DLNFSK DIBELS FLetter Naming Fluency Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 21.0 52.0 97 52.4766355 14.1849946 NA NA ▃▇▇▅▁ NA
DLNFF1 DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 12.0 55.0 90 54.7476636 16.1876341 NA NA ▂▃▇▆▂ NA
DLNFW1 DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 23.0 59.0 91 58.0555556 15.7467299 NA NA ▂▇▇▆▃ NA
DLNFS1 DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 25.0 68.0 95 66.8018868 14.4988800 NA NA ▁▂▆▇▃ NA
DPSFFK DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 25.0 48 24.5462963 14.2536333 NA NA ▇▇▆▇▇ NA
DPSFWK DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 5.0 40.5 61 40.5471698 12.5903456 NA NA ▁▁▇▇▆ NA
DPSFSK DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 10.0 43.0 64 42.5327103 11.0019876 NA NA ▁▃▆▇▃ NA
DPSFF1 DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 12.0 43.5 76 43.7830189 11.0419156 NA NA ▁▃▇▃▁ NA
DPSFW1 DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 19.0 49.0 68 48.2037037 9.0064974 NA NA ▁▂▅▇▁ NA
DPSFS1 DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 25.0 45.0 64 44.8679245 7.6632400 NA NA ▁▅▇▃▂ NA
DNWFFK DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 14.0 69 15.3148148 11.5010346 NA NA ▇▆▂▁▁ NA
DNWFWK DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 2.0 19.0 137 24.2710280 19.4046144 NA NA ▇▂▁▁▁ NA
DNWFSK DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 12.0 40.0 142 45.7570093 24.7336152 NA NA ▇▆▃▁▁ NA
DNWFF1 DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 4.0 40.0 139 47.0560748 28.0759858 NA NA ▆▇▂▂▁ NA
DNWFW1 DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 8.0 50.5 143 60.9907407 35.6647147 NA NA ▇▇▅▂▃ NA
DNWFS1 DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 13.0 62.5 143 74.6320755 40.0861751 NA NA ▆▇▅▃▆ NA
DNWFFKRaw DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall Kindergarten - Whole Words Read numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 0.0 14 1.2897196 2.7472434 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
DNWFWKWWR DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter Kindergarten - Whole Words Read numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 3.0 44 4.9158879 6.6745383 NA NA ▇▂▁▁▁ NA
DNWFSKWWR DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring Kindergarten - Whole Words Read numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 12.0 49 13.5140187 8.5774655 NA NA ▇▇▃▁▁ NA
DNWFF1WWR DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall First Grade- Whole Words Read numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 11.0 46 13.1775701 9.9695887 NA NA ▇▆▂▂▁ NA
DNWFW1WWR DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter First Grade- Whole Words Read numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 15.0 50 18.1203704 13.4725180 NA NA ▇▇▃▁▂ NA
DNWFS1WWR DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring First Grade- Whole Words Read numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 1.0 19.0 50 22.8207547 14.3519019 NA NA ▅▇▃▃▅ NA
DORFF1 DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Fall First Grade- Words correct per minute numeric NA NA 60 0.6407186 NA NA NA 0.0 23.0 136 34.7663551 33.2669532 NA NA ▇▃▂▁▁ NA
DORFW1 DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Fluency Winter First Grade- Words correct per minute numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 4.0 47.5 149 47.9629630 36.6330442 NA NA ▇▅▃▁▁ NA
DORFS1 DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Spring First Grade- Words correct per minute numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 6.0 67.5 183 68.2735849 42.1049783 NA NA ▇▆▆▂▂ NA
HSBRFK HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 106 0.3652695 NA NA NA 0.0 0.0 5 0.2622951 0.7724774 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSBRWK HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 72 0.5688623 NA NA NA 0.0 3.0 19 3.0526316 2.9799629 NA NA ▇▃▁▁▁ NA
HSBRSK HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 0.0 9.0 35 9.4095238 5.5169237 NA NA ▇▇▂▁▁ NA
HSBRF1 HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 0.0 16 0.9166667 2.2007858 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSBRW1 HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 58 0.6526946 NA NA NA 0.0 6.0 30 7.5779817 5.9290459 NA NA ▇▅▁▁▁ NA
HSBRS1 HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 58 0.6526946 NA NA NA 0.0 12.0 44 14.1559633 9.0922986 NA NA ▃▇▂▁▁ NA
HSECFK HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 70 0.5808383 NA NA NA 0.0 1.0 3 1.0309278 0.9180324 NA NA ▇▇▁▆▂ NA
HSECWK HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 0.0 3.0 8 3.3301887 1.5899787 NA NA ▂▇▅▃▁ NA
HSECSK HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 1.0 6.0 16 6.8000000 3.5447686 NA NA ▇▇▃▃▁ NA
HSECF1 HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 1.0 7 0.8055556 1.1876178 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSECW1 HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 58 0.6526946 NA NA NA 0.0 4.0 14 4.3211009 2.5161726 NA NA ▃▇▃▁▁ NA
HSECS1 HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 9.0 22 8.7777778 4.3348907 NA NA ▃▇▇▂▁ NA
HSLTFK HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 55 0.6706587 NA NA NA 0.0 39.0 113 42.8392857 28.2774394 NA NA ▇▇▅▆▁ NA
HSLTWK HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 58 0.6526946 NA NA NA 0.0 127.0 409 130.9816514 62.0987836 NA NA ▃▇▃▁▁ NA
HSLTSK HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 15.0 261.5 483 258.3962264 106.6065020 NA NA ▂▅▇▆▂ NA
HSLTF1 HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 54.5 270 60.7685185 42.3676844 NA NA ▇▆▁▁▁ NA
HSLTW1 HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 160.5 407 164.4537037 64.7314198 NA NA ▁▇▇▁▁ NA
HSLTS1 HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 63 0.6227545 NA NA NA 13.0 334.5 777 330.7500000 120.6392158 NA NA ▂▅▇▁▁ NA
HSNLFK HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 55 0.6706587 NA NA NA 0.0 2.0 10 2.8392857 1.9009413 NA NA ▇▅▂▁▁ NA
HSNLWK HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 58 0.6526946 NA NA NA 0.0 7.0 22 7.9633028 3.2114569 NA NA ▁▇▅▁▁ NA
HSNLSK HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 10.0 16.0 34 16.8240741 4.6940581 NA NA ▇▇▅▁▁ NA
HSNLF1 HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 3.0 16 3.7500000 2.7922623 NA NA ▇▃▁▁▁ NA
HSNLW1 HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 9.0 26 9.4166667 4.1380952 NA NA ▁▇▂▁▁ NA
HSNLS1 HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 1.0 17.0 44 18.1296296 6.4490709 NA NA ▁▇▃▁▁ NA
HSNIFK HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 120 0.2814371 NA NA NA 83.0 114.0 202 123.0425532 29.0878535 NA NA ▇▅▅▂▁ NA
HSNIWK HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 64 0.6167665 NA NA NA 92.5 155.5 235 155.9492492 32.2688935 NA NA ▅▆▇▅▂ NA
HSNISK HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 112.0 187.2 260 188.7710620 23.3358482 NA NA ▁▂▇▃▁ NA
HSNIF1 HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 97 0.4191617 NA NA NA 84.0 182.2 302 189.5509365 47.2114738 NA NA ▁▇▆▅▂ NA
HSNIW1 HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 99.0 184.8 330 186.1667228 37.4576229 NA NA ▂▇▇▁▁ NA
HSNIS1 HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 144.2 198.8 294 201.1423515 25.7490634 NA NA ▃▇▆▂▁ NA
HSITFK HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 55 0.6706587 NA NA NA 0.0 0.0 4 0.0446429 0.3887701 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSITWK HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 58 0.6526946 NA NA NA 0.0 0.0 23 0.9449541 3.8026182 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSITSK HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 0.0 89 8.9537037 17.3207154 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSITF1 HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 0.0 48 2.1944444 7.3833082 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSITW1 HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 0.0 123 10.7222222 20.5798347 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSITS1 HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 10.5 134 24.9351852 32.6251073 NA NA ▇▂▁▁▁ NA
HSNSFK HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 55 0.6706587 NA NA NA 0.0 100.0 1650 175.0000000 320.1913842 NA NA ▇▁▁▁▁ NA
HSNSWK HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 58 0.6526946 NA NA NA 0.0 1250.0 3500 1043.1192661 686.3236701 NA NA ▇▅▇▁▁ NA
HSNSSK HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 2000.0 5900 2231.9444444 1258.3266283 NA NA ▃▇▃▃▁ NA
HSNSF1 HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 250.0 2300 531.9444444 581.5487835 NA NA ▇▁▂▁▁ NA
HSNSW1 HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 1450.0 4600 1403.3333333 901.9418304 NA NA ▇▅▅▁▁ NA
HSNSS1 HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 59 0.6467066 NA NA NA 0.0 2700.0 6300 2927.4074074 1427.7898549 NA NA ▂▇▇▃▂ NA
HSASFK HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 120 0.2814371 NA NA NA 67.3 94.0 100 91.8333333 6.8292671 NA NA ▁▁▂▃▇ NA
HSASWK HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 64 0.6167665 NA NA NA 64.0 93.0 99 91.2644045 5.8409655 NA NA ▁▁▁▃▇ NA
HSASSK HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 63 0.6227545 NA NA NA 78.0 94.2 98 93.2951283 3.4224267 NA NA ▁▁▁▅▇ NA
HSASF1 HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 97 0.4191617 NA NA NA 83.0 96.3 100 95.0589603 3.7725274 NA NA ▁▂▂▇▇ NA
HSASW1 HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 79.7 95.0 99 94.3167502 3.2375970 NA NA ▁▁▂▆▇ NA
HSASS1 HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 63 0.6227545 NA NA NA 85.4 95.0 100 94.7224970 2.3942944 NA NA ▁▁▆▇▃ NA
HSATFK HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 120 0.2814371 NA NA NA 12.0 20.5 41 21.4751773 6.9580332 NA NA ▇▇▃▂▁ NA
HSATWK HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 64 0.6167665 NA NA NA 12.0 25.2 63 27.3167249 8.7160690 NA NA ▅▇▂▁▁ NA
HSATSK HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 18.0 25.7 58 27.8527220 6.7816999 NA NA ▇▅▂▁▁ NA
HSATF1 HeadSprout Average time spent per episode during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 97 0.4191617 NA NA NA 13.0 23.0 64 24.1259111 8.3634305 NA NA ▇▆▁▁▁ NA
HSATW1 HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 13.0 25.0 46 26.3544447 7.0507188 NA NA ▂▇▅▁▂ NA
HSATS1 HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 16.0 24.3 72 25.4992476 7.0913368 NA NA ▇▃▁▁▁ NA
HSPNFK HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Fall Kindergarten numeric NA NA 120 0.2814371 NA NA NA 9.5 43.3 178 54.4432624 36.9057959 NA NA ▇▅▃▁▁ NA
HSPNWK HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Winter Kindergarten numeric NA NA 64 0.6167665 NA NA NA 10.0 47.0 232 56.5664207 38.5656253 NA NA ▇▅▁▁▁ NA
HSPNSK HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Spring Kindergarten numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 7.6 31.4 121 38.0358741 22.5252530 NA NA ▇▅▃▁▁ NA
HSPNF1 HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Fall First Grade numeric NA NA 97 0.4191617 NA NA NA 2.0 18.8 143 26.5196651 23.6550312 NA NA ▇▂▁▁▁ NA
HSPNW1 HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Winter First Grade numeric NA NA 61 0.6347305 NA NA NA 3.4 27.0 164 35.5375823 27.5645003 NA NA ▇▃▂▁▁ NA
HSPNS1 HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Spring First Grade numeric NA NA 62 0.6287425 NA NA NA 2.0 25.2 183 31.1323362 25.7270759 NA NA ▇▂▁▁▁ NA

JSON-LD metadata The following JSON-LD can be found by search engines, if you share this codebook publicly on the web.

  "name": "All data from Headsprout project",
  "description": "Data from the Headsprout data analytics project. This dataset includes student progress monitoring data, data analytics from their engagement in Headsprout, and information about their home literacy environment\n\n\n## Table of variables\nThis table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values.\nSee the complete codebook for more.\n\n[truncated]\n\n### Note\nThis dataset was automatically described using the [codebook R package]( (version 0.9.2).",
  "datePublished": "2021-04-09",
  "keywords": ["SID", "Gender", "AgeT1", "AgeT2", "AgeT3", "AgeT4", "AgeT5", "AgeT6", "TeachK", "Teach1", "HD1", "HD2A", "HD2C", "HD3", "HD4A", "HD4B", "HD4C", "HD4D", "HD4E", "HD4F", "HD4G", "HD4H", "HD5", "HD6", "HLA1", "HLA2", "HLA3", "HLA4", "HLA5", "HLA6", "HLA7", "HLA8", "HLA9", "HLA10", "HLA11", "HLA12", "HLA13", "HLA14", "HLA15", "HLA16", "HLA17", "HLA18", "HLA19", "HLA20", "SEL1", "SEL2", "SEL3", "SEL4", "SEL5", "SEL6", "SEL7", "SEL8", "SEL9", "SEL10", "SEL11", "SEL12", "SEL13", "SEL14", "SEL15", "SEL16", "SEL17", "SEL18", "SEL19", "SEL20", "SEL21", "CELFWKR", "CELFSKR", "CELFW1R", "CELFS1R", "CELFWKS", "CELFSKS", "CELFW1S", "CELFS1S", "PPVTFK", "TPDEWK", "TPDESK", "TPDEF1", "TPDEW1", "TPDES1", "TSWEWK", "TSWESK", "TSWEF1", "TSWEW1", "TSWES1", "TPDEWKRaw", "TPDESKRaw", "TPDEF1Raw", "TPDEW1Raw", "TPDES1Raw", "TSWEWKRaw", "TSWESKRaw", "TSWEF1Raw", "TSWEW1Raw", "TSWES1Raw", "DFSFFK", "DFSFWK", "DFSFSK", "DFSFF1", "DFSFW1", "DFSFS1", "DLNFFK", "DLNFWK", "DLNFSK", "DLNFF1", "DLNFW1", "DLNFS1", "DPSFFK", "DPSFWK", "DPSFSK", "DPSFF1", "DPSFW1", "DPSFS1", "DNWFFK", "DNWFWK", "DNWFSK", "DNWFF1", "DNWFW1", "DNWFS1", "DNWFFKRaw", "DNWFWKWWR", "DNWFSKWWR", "DNWFF1WWR", "DNWFW1WWR", "DNWFS1WWR", "DORFF1", "DORFW1", "DORFS1", "HSBRFK", "HSBRWK", "HSBRSK", "HSBRF1", "HSBRW1", "HSBRS1", "HSECFK", "HSECWK", "HSECSK", "HSECF1", "HSECW1", "HSECS1", "HSLTFK", "HSLTWK", "HSLTSK", "HSLTF1", "HSLTW1", "HSLTS1", "HSNLFK", "HSNLWK", "HSNLSK", "HSNLF1", "HSNLW1", "HSNLS1", "HSNIFK", "HSNIWK", "HSNISK", "HSNIF1", "HSNIW1", "HSNIS1", "HSITFK", "HSITWK", "HSITSK", "HSITF1", "HSITW1", "HSITS1", "HSNSFK", "HSNSWK", "HSNSSK", "HSNSF1", "HSNSW1", "HSNSS1", "HSASFK", "HSASWK", "HSASSK", "HSASF1", "HSASW1", "HSASS1", "HSATFK", "HSATWK", "HSATSK", "HSATF1", "HSATW1", "HSATS1", "HSPNFK", "HSPNWK", "HSPNSK", "HSPNF1", "HSPNW1", "HSPNS1"],
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "variableMeasured": [
      "name": "SID",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Gender",
      "description": "Biological Sex",
      "value": "F. Female,\nM. Male",
      "maxValue": "M",
      "minValue": "F",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "AgeT1",
      "description": "Age in days at Fall Kindergarten Test Occasion",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "AgeT2",
      "description": "Age in days at Winter Kindergarten Test Occasion",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "AgeT3",
      "description": "Age in days at Spring Kindergarten Test Occasion",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "AgeT4",
      "description": "Age in days at Fall First Grade Test Occasion",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "AgeT5",
      "description": "Age in days at Winter First Grade Test Occasion",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "AgeT6",
      "description": "Age in days at Spring First Grade Test Occasion",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TeachK",
      "description": "Teacher in Kindergarten",
      "value": "1. 1,\n2. 6,\n3. 0,\n4. 2",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "Teach1",
      "description": "Teacher in First Grade",
      "value": "1. 4,\n2. 0,\n3. 5,\n4. 3,\n5. 7",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD1",
      "description": "What is your relationship to the child",
      "value": "1. mother,\n2. father,\n3. other",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "1",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD2A",
      "description": "What is the primary language spoken at home?",
      "value": "1. English,\n2. Other",
      "maxValue": "2",
      "minValue": "1",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD2C",
      "description": "Is there a second language in the home",
      "value": "1. Yes,\n0. No",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD3",
      "description": "How many people live in your household",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD4A",
      "description": "Age of household member 1",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD4B",
      "description": "Age of household member 2",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD4C",
      "description": "Age of household member 3",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD4D",
      "description": "Age of household member 4",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD4E",
      "description": "Age of household member 5",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD4F",
      "description": "Age of household member 6",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD4G",
      "description": "Age of household member 7",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD4H",
      "description": "Age of household member 8",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD5",
      "description": "How long have you lived in your current home",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HD6",
      "description": "What is your highest level of education?",
      "value": "1. graduate degree,\n2. obtained undergraduate degree,\n3. community college,\n4. completed high school or equivalent,\n5. other",
      "maxValue": "5",
      "minValue": "1",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA1",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family read to your child?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA2",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child asked to be read to?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA3",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that you left notes for other family members?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA4",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child listened to books on tape?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA5",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family made/used a shopping list?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA6",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child recognized or asked for help to read store or traffic signs?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA7",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child pretended to read story books?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA8",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family received or wrote a letter or e-mail?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA9",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child tried to tell or write stories?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA10",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child discussed books that had been read?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA11",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child wrote or asked help to write letters/words?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA12",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child recited the alphabet?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA13",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child said sounds of letters?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA14",
      "description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child saw you reading books, magazines or newspapers?",
      "value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA15",
      "description": "Does your child have a favorite book?",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA16",
      "description": "If yes, what book is that?",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA17",
      "description": "Do you have a library card?",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA18",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA19",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HLA20",
      "description": "What other activities related to reading and writing can you think of that occur in your home?",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL1",
      "description": "Can your child recognize all of the letters of the alphabet??",
      "value": "1. most,\n2. some,\n3. none",
      "maxValue": "3",
      "minValue": "1",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL2",
      "description": "Can your child write his or her first name, even if some of the letters are backwards?",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL3",
      "description": "How high can your child count?",
      "value": "1. 5,\n2. 10,\n3. 20,\n4. 50,\n5. 100+",
      "maxValue": "5",
      "minValue": "1",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL4",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Alphabet blocks",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL5",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Magnetic letters",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL6",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Flash cards with letters and/or pictures",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL7",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Markers",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL8",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Crayons",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL9",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: His or her own pens or pencils",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL10",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Papers for writing/coloring",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL11",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Books on tape",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL12",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children's dictionary",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL13",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children's encyclopedia",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL14",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Chalk/writing board",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL15",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children's books",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL16",
      "description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children's magazines",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL17",
      "description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: A computer",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL18",
      "description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: Computer games or programs",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL19",
      "description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: Books for grown ups",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL20",
      "description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: Magazines for grown ups",
      "value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
      "maxValue": "1",
      "minValue": "0",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "SEL21",
      "description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: Daily Newspaper",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "CELFWKR",
      "description": "CELF scores Recalling Sentences Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "CELFSKR",
      "description": "CELF scores Recalling Sentences Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "CELFW1R",
      "description": "CELF scores Recalling Sentences Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "CELFS1R",
      "description": "CELF scores Recalling Sentences Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "CELFWKS",
      "description": "CELF scores Sentences Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "CELFSKS",
      "description": "CELF scores Sentences Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "CELFW1S",
      "description": "CELF scores Sentences Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "CELFS1S",
      "description": "CELF scores Sentences Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "PPVTFK",
      "description": "PPVT scores from Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDEWK",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDESK",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDEF1",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Fall First Grade-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDEW1",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter First Grade-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDES1",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring First Grade-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWEWK",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWESK",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWEF1",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Fall First Grade-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWEW1",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter First Grade-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWES1",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring First Grade-scaled scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDEWKRaw",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDESKRaw",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDEF1Raw",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Fall First Grade-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDEW1Raw",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter First Grade-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TPDES1Raw",
      "description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring First Grade-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWEWKRaw",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWESKRaw",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWEF1Raw",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Fall First Grade-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWEW1Raw",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter First Grade-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "TSWES1Raw",
      "description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring First Grade-raw scores",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DFSFFK",
      "description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DFSFWK",
      "description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DFSFSK",
      "description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DFSFF1",
      "description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DFSFW1",
      "description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DFSFS1",
      "description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DLNFFK",
      "description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DLNFWK",
      "description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DLNFSK",
      "description": "DIBELS FLetter Naming Fluency Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DLNFF1",
      "description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DLNFW1",
      "description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DLNFS1",
      "description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DPSFFK",
      "description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DPSFWK",
      "description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DPSFSK",
      "description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DPSFF1",
      "description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DPSFW1",
      "description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DPSFS1",
      "description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFFK",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFWK",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFSK",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFF1",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFW1",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFS1",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFFKRaw",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall Kindergarten - Whole Words Read",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFWKWWR",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter Kindergarten - Whole Words Read",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFSKWWR",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring Kindergarten - Whole Words Read",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFF1WWR",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall First Grade- Whole Words Read",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFW1WWR",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter First Grade- Whole Words Read",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DNWFS1WWR",
      "description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring First Grade- Whole Words Read",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DORFF1",
      "description": "DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Fall First Grade- Words correct per minute",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DORFW1",
      "description": "DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Fluency Winter First Grade- Words correct per minute",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "DORFS1",
      "description": "DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Spring First Grade- Words correct per minute",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSBRFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSBRWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSBRSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSBRF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSBRW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSBRS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSECFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSECWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSECSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSECF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSECW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSECS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSLTFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSLTWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSLTSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSLTF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSLTW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSLTS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNLFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNLWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNLSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNLF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNLW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNLS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNIFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNIWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNISK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNIF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNIW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNIS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSITFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSITWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSITSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSITF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSITW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSITS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNSFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNSWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNSSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNSF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNSW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSNSS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSASFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSASWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSASSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSASF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSASW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSASS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSATFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSATWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSATSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSATF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average time spent per episode during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSATW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSATS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSPNFK",
      "description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Fall Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSPNWK",
      "description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Winter Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSPNSK",
      "description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Spring Kindergarten",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSPNF1",
      "description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Fall First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSPNW1",
      "description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Winter First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "HSPNS1",
      "description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the  Spring First Grade",
      "@type": "propertyValue"