warning = TRUE, # show warnings during codebook generation
message = TRUE, # show messages during codebook generation
error = TRUE, # do not interrupt codebook generation in case of errors,
# usually better for debugging
echo = TRUE # show R code
codebook_data <- read_rds("HS_Full_Cleaned_V2.rds")
# to import an SPSS file from the same folder uncomment and edit the line below
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.sav")
# for Stata
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.dta")
# for CSV
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.csv")
# omit the following lines, if your missing values are already properly labelled
#codebook_data <- detect_missing(codebook_data,
# If you are not using formr, the codebook package needs to guess which items
# form a scale. The following line finds item aggregates with names like this:
# scale = scale_1 + scale_2R + scale_3R
# identifying these aggregates allows the codebook function to
# automatically compute reliabilities.
# However, it will not reverse items automatically.
#codebook_data <- detect_scales(codebook_data)
codebook(codebook_data, detailed_variables = FALSE, missingness_report = FALSE)
Dataset name: All data from Headsprout project
Data from the Headsprout data analytics project. This dataset includes student progress monitoring data, data analytics from their engagement in Headsprout, and information about their home literacy environment
Metadata for search engines
name | label | data_type | ordered | value_labels | n_missing | complete_rate | n_unique | empty | top_counts | min | median | max | mean | sd | whitespace | n_value_labels | hist | units |
SID | NA | numeric | NA | NA | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 84.0 | 167 | 84.0000000 | 48.3528696 | NA | NA | ▇▇▇▇▇ | NA |
Gender | Biological Sex | haven_labelled | NA | F. Female, M. Male |
0 | 1.0000000 | 2 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
AgeT1 | Age in days at Fall Kindergarten Test Occasion | difftime | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | 95 | NA | NA | 1863 | 2073 | 2419 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | days |
AgeT2 | Age in days at Winter Kindergarten Test Occasion | difftime | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | 86 | NA | NA | 1953 | 2162.5 | 2422 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | days |
AgeT3 | Age in days at Spring Kindergarten Test Occasion | difftime | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | 93 | NA | NA | 2073 | 2283 | 2542 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | days |
AgeT4 | Age in days at Fall First Grade Test Occasion | difftime | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | 95 | NA | NA | 2224 | 2444 | 2693 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | days |
AgeT5 | Age in days at Winter First Grade Test Occasion | difftime | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | 95 | NA | NA | 2318 | 2532 | 2787 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | days |
AgeT6 | Age in days at Spring First Grade Test Occasion | difftime | NA | NA | 58 | 0.6526946 | 91 | NA | NA | 2441 | 2651 | 2910 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | days |
TeachK | Teacher in Kindergarten | factor | FALSE | 1. 1, 2. 6, 3. 0, 4. 2 |
58 | 0.6526946 | 4 | NA | 2: 39, 1: 34, 6: 19, 0: 17 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Teach1 | Teacher in First Grade | factor | FALSE | 1. 4, 2. 0, 3. 5, 4. 3, 5. 7 |
62 | 0.6287425 | 5 | NA | 5: 36, 4: 18, 0: 18, 3: 18 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
HD1 | What is your relationship to the child | haven_labelled | NA | 1. mother, 2. father, 3. other |
51 | 0.6946108 | 3 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 3 | NA | NA |
HD2A | What is the primary language spoken at home? | haven_labelled | NA | 1. English, 2. Other |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
HD2C | Is there a second language in the home | haven_labelled | NA | 1. Yes, 0. No |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
HD3 | How many people live in your household | numeric | NA | NA | 52 | 0.6886228 | NA | NA | NA | 2.0 | 4.0 | 8 | 4.0173913 | 1.0840357 | NA | NA | ▅▇▂▁▁ | NA |
HD4A | Age of household member 1 | numeric | NA | NA | 55 | 0.6706587 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 37.5 | 75 | 33.3928571 | 15.2695641 | NA | NA | ▂▁▇▂▁ | NA |
HD4B | Age of household member 2 | numeric | NA | NA | 56 | 0.6646707 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 36.0 | 64 | 29.7657658 | 14.2490542 | NA | NA | ▅▂▇▆▁ | NA |
HD4C | Age of household member 3 | numeric | NA | NA | 66 | 0.6047904 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 7.0 | 51 | 11.8811881 | 11.4937262 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HD4D | Age of household member 4 | numeric | NA | NA | 95 | 0.4311377 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 5.0 | 64 | 9.7430556 | 12.9405447 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HD4E | Age of household member 5 | numeric | NA | NA | 143 | 0.1437126 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 4.5 | 41 | 8.9583333 | 12.2775127 | NA | NA | ▇▂▁▁▂ | NA |
HD4F | Age of household member 6 | numeric | NA | NA | 159 | 0.0479042 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 5.0 | 39 | 8.7500000 | 12.9145544 | NA | NA | ▇▃▁▁▂ | NA |
HD4G | Age of household member 7 | numeric | NA | NA | 165 | 0.0119760 | NA | NA | NA | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5 | 5.0000000 | 0.0000000 | NA | NA | ▁▁▇▁▁ | NA |
HD4H | Age of household member 8 | numeric | NA | NA | 166 | 0.0059880 | NA | NA | NA | 13.0 | 13.0 | 13 | 13.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | ▁▁▇▁▁ | NA |
HD5 | How long have you lived in your current home | character | NA | NA | 57 | 0.6586826 | 42 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 20 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | NA | NA |
HD6 | What is your highest level of education? | haven_labelled | NA | 1. graduate degree, 2. obtained undergraduate degree, 3. community college, 4. completed high school or equivalent, 5. other |
52 | 0.6886228 | 5 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 5 | NA | NA |
HLA1 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family read to your child? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
30 | 0.8203593 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA2 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child asked to be read to? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
31 | 0.8143713 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA3 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that you left notes for other family members? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
31 | 0.8143713 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA4 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child listened to books on tape? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
29 | 0.8263473 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA5 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family made/used a shopping list? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
30 | 0.8203593 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA6 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child recognized or asked for help to read store or traffic signs? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
30 | 0.8203593 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA7 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child pretended to read story books? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
30 | 0.8203593 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA8 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family received or wrote a letter or e-mail? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
29 | 0.8263473 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA9 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child tried to tell or write stories? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
30 | 0.8203593 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA10 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child discussed books that had been read? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
29 | 0.8263473 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA11 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child wrote or asked help to write letters/words? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
29 | 0.8263473 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA12 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child recited the alphabet? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
29 | 0.8263473 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA13 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child said sounds of letters? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
31 | 0.8143713 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA14 | How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child saw you reading books, magazines or newspapers? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. not at all, 1. once or twice, 2. more than three times, 3. every day |
30 | 0.8203593 | 4 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | 4 | NA | NA |
HLA15 | Does your child have a favorite book? | character | NA | NA | 31 | 0.8143713 | 2 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | NA | NA |
HLA16 | If yes, what book is that? | character | NA | NA | 65 | 0.6107784 | 96 | 0 | NA | 4 | NA | 54 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | NA | NA |
HLA17 | Do you have a library card? | character | NA | NA | 29 | 0.8263473 | 2 | 0 | NA | 1 | NA | 1 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | NA | NA |
HLA18 | NA | character | NA | NA | 41 | 0.7544910 | 52 | 0 | NA | 5 | NA | 22 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | NA | NA |
HLA19 | NA | character | NA | NA | 56 | 0.6646707 | 59 | 0 | NA | 3 | NA | 29 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | NA | NA |
HLA20 | What other activities related to reading and writing can you think of that occur in your home? | character | NA | NA | 84 | 0.4970060 | 82 | 0 | NA | 11 | NA | 244 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | NA | NA |
SEL1 | Can your child recognize all of the letters of the alphabet?? | haven_labelled | NA | 1. most, 2. some, 3. none |
52 | 0.6886228 | 2 | 0 | NA | 4 | NA | 4 | NA | NA | 0 | 3 | NA | NA |
SEL2 | Can your child write his or her first name, even if some of the letters are backwards? | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
54 | 0.6766467 | 1 | 0 | NA | 3 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL3 | How high can your child count? | haven_labelled | NA | 1. 5, 2. 10, 3. 20, 4. 50, 5. 100+ |
51 | 0.6946108 | 4 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 4 | NA | NA | 0 | 5 | NA | NA |
SEL4 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Alphabet blocks | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
52 | 0.6886228 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL5 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Magnetic letters | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL6 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Flash cards with letters and/or pictures | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL7 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Markers | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 1 | 0 | NA | 3 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL8 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Crayons | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 1 | 0 | NA | 3 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL9 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: His or her own pens or pencils | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL10 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Papers for writing/coloring | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
52 | 0.6886228 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL11 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Books on tape | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL12 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children’s dictionary | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL13 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children’s encyclopedia | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
52 | 0.6886228 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL14 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Chalk/writing board | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL15 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children’s books | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL16 | Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children’s magazines | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL17 | Check if your family has any of these things at home: A computer | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL18 | Check if your family has any of these things at home: Computer games or programs | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL19 | Check if your family has any of these things at home: Books for grown ups | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
51 | 0.6946108 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL20 | Check if your family has any of these things at home: Magazines for grown ups | haven_labelled | NA | 0. No, 1. Yes |
52 | 0.6886228 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | 2 | NA | NA |
SEL21 | Check if your family has any of these things at home: Daily Newspaper | character | NA | NA | 53 | 0.6826347 | 2 | 0 | NA | 2 | NA | 3 | NA | NA | 0 | NA | NA | NA |
CELFWKR | CELF scores Recalling Sentences Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 114 | 0.3173653 | NA | NA | NA | 5.0 | 10.0 | 17 | 10.5094340 | 2.3338862 | NA | NA | ▂▅▇▃▁ | NA |
CELFSKR | CELF scores Recalling Sentences Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 64 | 0.6167665 | NA | NA | NA | 6.0 | 11.0 | 19 | 11.5048544 | 2.3342034 | NA | NA | ▂▇▅▃▁ | NA |
CELFW1R | CELF scores Recalling Sentences Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 114 | 0.3173653 | NA | NA | NA | 5.0 | 10.0 | 16 | 10.8113208 | 2.7249319 | NA | NA | ▂▇▇▆▅ | NA |
CELFS1R | CELF scores Recalling Sentences Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 114 | 0.3173653 | NA | NA | NA | 6.0 | 11.0 | 18 | 11.4905660 | 3.1842318 | NA | NA | ▅▇▇▅▃ | NA |
CELFWKS | CELF scores Sentences Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 114 | 0.3173653 | NA | NA | NA | 2.0 | 10.0 | 19 | 10.5660377 | 3.1775016 | NA | NA | ▁▂▇▃▁ | NA |
CELFSKS | CELF scores Sentences Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 4.0 | 12.0 | 17 | 11.5619048 | 2.4016173 | NA | NA | ▁▃▅▇▂ | NA |
CELFW1S | CELF scores Sentences Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 114 | 0.3173653 | NA | NA | NA | 3.0 | 12.0 | 16 | 10.7547170 | 3.4746647 | NA | NA | ▂▇▆▇▇ | NA |
CELFS1S | CELF scores Sentences Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 114 | 0.3173653 | NA | NA | NA | 5.0 | 12.0 | 16 | 11.2264151 | 2.5768310 | NA | NA | ▂▆▃▅▇ | NA |
PPVTFK | PPVT scores from Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 87.0 | 111.0 | 140 | 112.2264151 | 11.6212310 | NA | NA | ▂▆▇▃▂ | NA |
TPDEWK | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 74.0 | 89.0 | 126 | 90.6285714 | 11.5377784 | NA | NA | ▇▅▆▃▁ | NA |
TPDESK | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 74.0 | 97.0 | 129 | 97.9719626 | 11.0397720 | NA | NA | ▂▆▇▂▁ | NA |
TPDEF1 | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Fall First Grade-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 71.0 | 96.0 | 138 | 96.9252336 | 13.8057282 | NA | NA | ▃▇▆▂▁ | NA |
TPDEW1 | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter First Grade-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 71.0 | 95.0 | 136 | 97.6448598 | 13.1889407 | NA | NA | ▂▇▅▂▁ | NA |
TPDES1 | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring First Grade-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 72.0 | 103.0 | 134 | 101.1401869 | 14.1143902 | NA | NA | ▃▇▇▆▂ | NA |
TSWEWK | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 74.0 | 86.0 | 135 | 89.3333333 | 11.5697439 | NA | NA | ▇▅▂▁▁ | NA |
TSWESK | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 74.0 | 94.0 | 138 | 97.5794393 | 13.5319589 | NA | NA | ▃▇▅▂▁ | NA |
TSWEF1 | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Fall First Grade-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 71.0 | 94.0 | 145 | 97.7476636 | 16.4758791 | NA | NA | ▇▇▇▂▂ | NA |
TSWEW1 | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter First Grade-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 71.0 | 100.0 | 142 | 100.9065421 | 16.7436458 | NA | NA | ▆▇▇▆▂ | NA |
TSWES1 | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring First Grade-scaled scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 71.0 | 108.0 | 137 | 104.4859813 | 15.5874674 | NA | NA | ▃▆▆▇▂ | NA |
TPDEWKRaw | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 63 | 0.6227545 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 6.0 | 28 | 6.1923077 | 4.8232385 | NA | NA | ▇▆▂▁▁ | NA |
TPDESKRaw | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 8.0 | 31 | 9.4392523 | 5.5765303 | NA | NA | ▆▇▂▂▁ | NA |
TPDEF1Raw | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Fall First Grade-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 10.0 | 40 | 11.9252336 | 8.3809093 | NA | NA | ▇▇▂▁▁ | NA |
TPDEW1Raw | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter First Grade-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 11.0 | 47 | 13.8037383 | 9.2964177 | NA | NA | ▇▆▃▁▁ | NA |
TPDES1Raw | TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring First Grade-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 19.0 | 49 | 19.1886792 | 10.4827416 | NA | NA | ▇▇▇▃▁ | NA |
TSWEWKRaw | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 63 | 0.6227545 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 11.0 | 59 | 13.8653846 | 10.7676770 | NA | NA | ▇▅▁▁▁ | NA |
TSWESKRaw | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 19.0 | 60 | 21.9439252 | 12.7891698 | NA | NA | ▅▇▆▂▁ | NA |
TSWEF1Raw | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Fall First Grade-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 4.0 | 23.0 | 68 | 27.3084112 | 16.5240883 | NA | NA | ▇▅▆▂▂ | NA |
TSWEW1Raw | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter First Grade-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 2.0 | 33.0 | 67 | 33.6728972 | 17.1842269 | NA | NA | ▅▇▅▆▃ | NA |
TSWES1Raw | TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring First Grade-raw scores | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 2.0 | 48.5 | 74 | 43.3396226 | 16.6869706 | NA | NA | ▁▅▃▇▃ | NA |
DFSFFK | DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 23.5 | 48 | 23.5925926 | 12.4540554 | NA | NA | ▅▅▇▆▃ | NA |
DFSFWK | DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 3.0 | 35.0 | 66 | 35.2641509 | 10.9434058 | NA | NA | ▁▂▇▃▁ | NA |
DFSFSK | DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 8.0 | 39.0 | 57 | 39.0841121 | 10.2819878 | NA | NA | ▁▂▇▇▅ | NA |
DFSFF1 | DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 14.0 | 39.0 | 60 | 39.1214953 | 9.1266873 | NA | NA | ▁▅▇▇▂ | NA |
DFSFW1 | DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 23.0 | 42.0 | 60 | 42.0185185 | 9.1416490 | NA | NA | ▃▇▇▇▃ | NA |
DFSFS1 | DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 13.0 | 43.0 | 60 | 42.1320755 | 9.9303052 | NA | NA | ▁▂▅▇▃ | NA |
DLNFFK | DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 2.0 | 32.5 | 68 | 32.5925926 | 14.8343105 | NA | NA | ▅▇▇▆▂ | NA |
DLNFWK | DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 12.0 | 40.0 | 78 | 40.3809524 | 14.2210441 | NA | NA | ▃▇▇▃▂ | NA |
DLNFSK | DIBELS FLetter Naming Fluency Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 21.0 | 52.0 | 97 | 52.4766355 | 14.1849946 | NA | NA | ▃▇▇▅▁ | NA |
DLNFF1 | DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 12.0 | 55.0 | 90 | 54.7476636 | 16.1876341 | NA | NA | ▂▃▇▆▂ | NA |
DLNFW1 | DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 23.0 | 59.0 | 91 | 58.0555556 | 15.7467299 | NA | NA | ▂▇▇▆▃ | NA |
DLNFS1 | DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 25.0 | 68.0 | 95 | 66.8018868 | 14.4988800 | NA | NA | ▁▂▆▇▃ | NA |
DPSFFK | DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 25.0 | 48 | 24.5462963 | 14.2536333 | NA | NA | ▇▇▆▇▇ | NA |
DPSFWK | DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 5.0 | 40.5 | 61 | 40.5471698 | 12.5903456 | NA | NA | ▁▁▇▇▆ | NA |
DPSFSK | DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 10.0 | 43.0 | 64 | 42.5327103 | 11.0019876 | NA | NA | ▁▃▆▇▃ | NA |
DPSFF1 | DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 12.0 | 43.5 | 76 | 43.7830189 | 11.0419156 | NA | NA | ▁▃▇▃▁ | NA |
DPSFW1 | DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 19.0 | 49.0 | 68 | 48.2037037 | 9.0064974 | NA | NA | ▁▂▅▇▁ | NA |
DPSFS1 | DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 25.0 | 45.0 | 64 | 44.8679245 | 7.6632400 | NA | NA | ▁▅▇▃▂ | NA |
DNWFFK | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 14.0 | 69 | 15.3148148 | 11.5010346 | NA | NA | ▇▆▂▁▁ | NA |
DNWFWK | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 2.0 | 19.0 | 137 | 24.2710280 | 19.4046144 | NA | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | NA |
DNWFSK | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 12.0 | 40.0 | 142 | 45.7570093 | 24.7336152 | NA | NA | ▇▆▃▁▁ | NA |
DNWFF1 | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 4.0 | 40.0 | 139 | 47.0560748 | 28.0759858 | NA | NA | ▆▇▂▂▁ | NA |
DNWFW1 | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 8.0 | 50.5 | 143 | 60.9907407 | 35.6647147 | NA | NA | ▇▇▅▂▃ | NA |
DNWFS1 | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 13.0 | 62.5 | 143 | 74.6320755 | 40.0861751 | NA | NA | ▆▇▅▃▆ | NA |
DNWFFKRaw | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall Kindergarten - Whole Words Read | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 14 | 1.2897196 | 2.7472434 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
DNWFWKWWR | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter Kindergarten - Whole Words Read | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 3.0 | 44 | 4.9158879 | 6.6745383 | NA | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | NA |
DNWFSKWWR | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring Kindergarten - Whole Words Read | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 12.0 | 49 | 13.5140187 | 8.5774655 | NA | NA | ▇▇▃▁▁ | NA |
DNWFF1WWR | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall First Grade- Whole Words Read | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 11.0 | 46 | 13.1775701 | 9.9695887 | NA | NA | ▇▆▂▂▁ | NA |
DNWFW1WWR | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter First Grade- Whole Words Read | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 15.0 | 50 | 18.1203704 | 13.4725180 | NA | NA | ▇▇▃▁▂ | NA |
DNWFS1WWR | DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring First Grade- Whole Words Read | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 19.0 | 50 | 22.8207547 | 14.3519019 | NA | NA | ▅▇▃▃▅ | NA |
DORFF1 | DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Fall First Grade- Words correct per minute | numeric | NA | NA | 60 | 0.6407186 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 23.0 | 136 | 34.7663551 | 33.2669532 | NA | NA | ▇▃▂▁▁ | NA |
DORFW1 | DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Fluency Winter First Grade- Words correct per minute | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 4.0 | 47.5 | 149 | 47.9629630 | 36.6330442 | NA | NA | ▇▅▃▁▁ | NA |
DORFS1 | DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Spring First Grade- Words correct per minute | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 6.0 | 67.5 | 183 | 68.2735849 | 42.1049783 | NA | NA | ▇▆▆▂▂ | NA |
HSBRFK | HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 106 | 0.3652695 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 5 | 0.2622951 | 0.7724774 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSBRWK | HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 72 | 0.5688623 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 3.0 | 19 | 3.0526316 | 2.9799629 | NA | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | NA |
HSBRSK | HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 9.0 | 35 | 9.4095238 | 5.5169237 | NA | NA | ▇▇▂▁▁ | NA |
HSBRF1 | HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 16 | 0.9166667 | 2.2007858 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSBRW1 | HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 58 | 0.6526946 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 6.0 | 30 | 7.5779817 | 5.9290459 | NA | NA | ▇▅▁▁▁ | NA |
HSBRS1 | HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 58 | 0.6526946 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 12.0 | 44 | 14.1559633 | 9.0922986 | NA | NA | ▃▇▂▁▁ | NA |
HSECFK | HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 70 | 0.5808383 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 1.0 | 3 | 1.0309278 | 0.9180324 | NA | NA | ▇▇▁▆▂ | NA |
HSECWK | HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 3.0 | 8 | 3.3301887 | 1.5899787 | NA | NA | ▂▇▅▃▁ | NA |
HSECSK | HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 6.0 | 16 | 6.8000000 | 3.5447686 | NA | NA | ▇▇▃▃▁ | NA |
HSECF1 | HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 1.0 | 7 | 0.8055556 | 1.1876178 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSECW1 | HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 58 | 0.6526946 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 4.0 | 14 | 4.3211009 | 2.5161726 | NA | NA | ▃▇▃▁▁ | NA |
HSECS1 | HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 9.0 | 22 | 8.7777778 | 4.3348907 | NA | NA | ▃▇▇▂▁ | NA |
HSLTFK | HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 55 | 0.6706587 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 39.0 | 113 | 42.8392857 | 28.2774394 | NA | NA | ▇▇▅▆▁ | NA |
HSLTWK | HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 58 | 0.6526946 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 127.0 | 409 | 130.9816514 | 62.0987836 | NA | NA | ▃▇▃▁▁ | NA |
HSLTSK | HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 15.0 | 261.5 | 483 | 258.3962264 | 106.6065020 | NA | NA | ▂▅▇▆▂ | NA |
HSLTF1 | HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 54.5 | 270 | 60.7685185 | 42.3676844 | NA | NA | ▇▆▁▁▁ | NA |
HSLTW1 | HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 160.5 | 407 | 164.4537037 | 64.7314198 | NA | NA | ▁▇▇▁▁ | NA |
HSLTS1 | HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 63 | 0.6227545 | NA | NA | NA | 13.0 | 334.5 | 777 | 330.7500000 | 120.6392158 | NA | NA | ▂▅▇▁▁ | NA |
HSNLFK | HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 55 | 0.6706587 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 2.0 | 10 | 2.8392857 | 1.9009413 | NA | NA | ▇▅▂▁▁ | NA |
HSNLWK | HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 58 | 0.6526946 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 7.0 | 22 | 7.9633028 | 3.2114569 | NA | NA | ▁▇▅▁▁ | NA |
HSNLSK | HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 10.0 | 16.0 | 34 | 16.8240741 | 4.6940581 | NA | NA | ▇▇▅▁▁ | NA |
HSNLF1 | HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 3.0 | 16 | 3.7500000 | 2.7922623 | NA | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | NA |
HSNLW1 | HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 9.0 | 26 | 9.4166667 | 4.1380952 | NA | NA | ▁▇▂▁▁ | NA |
HSNLS1 | HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 1.0 | 17.0 | 44 | 18.1296296 | 6.4490709 | NA | NA | ▁▇▃▁▁ | NA |
HSNIFK | HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 120 | 0.2814371 | NA | NA | NA | 83.0 | 114.0 | 202 | 123.0425532 | 29.0878535 | NA | NA | ▇▅▅▂▁ | NA |
HSNIWK | HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 64 | 0.6167665 | NA | NA | NA | 92.5 | 155.5 | 235 | 155.9492492 | 32.2688935 | NA | NA | ▅▆▇▅▂ | NA |
HSNISK | HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 112.0 | 187.2 | 260 | 188.7710620 | 23.3358482 | NA | NA | ▁▂▇▃▁ | NA |
HSNIF1 | HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 97 | 0.4191617 | NA | NA | NA | 84.0 | 182.2 | 302 | 189.5509365 | 47.2114738 | NA | NA | ▁▇▆▅▂ | NA |
HSNIW1 | HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 99.0 | 184.8 | 330 | 186.1667228 | 37.4576229 | NA | NA | ▂▇▇▁▁ | NA |
HSNIS1 | HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 144.2 | 198.8 | 294 | 201.1423515 | 25.7490634 | NA | NA | ▃▇▆▂▁ | NA |
HSITFK | HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 55 | 0.6706587 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 4 | 0.0446429 | 0.3887701 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSITWK | HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 58 | 0.6526946 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 23 | 0.9449541 | 3.8026182 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSITSK | HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 89 | 8.9537037 | 17.3207154 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSITF1 | HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 48 | 2.1944444 | 7.3833082 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSITW1 | HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 123 | 10.7222222 | 20.5798347 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSITS1 | HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 10.5 | 134 | 24.9351852 | 32.6251073 | NA | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | NA |
HSNSFK | HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 55 | 0.6706587 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 100.0 | 1650 | 175.0000000 | 320.1913842 | NA | NA | ▇▁▁▁▁ | NA |
HSNSWK | HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 58 | 0.6526946 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 1250.0 | 3500 | 1043.1192661 | 686.3236701 | NA | NA | ▇▅▇▁▁ | NA |
HSNSSK | HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 2000.0 | 5900 | 2231.9444444 | 1258.3266283 | NA | NA | ▃▇▃▃▁ | NA |
HSNSF1 | HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 250.0 | 2300 | 531.9444444 | 581.5487835 | NA | NA | ▇▁▂▁▁ | NA |
HSNSW1 | HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 1450.0 | 4600 | 1403.3333333 | 901.9418304 | NA | NA | ▇▅▅▁▁ | NA |
HSNSS1 | HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 59 | 0.6467066 | NA | NA | NA | 0.0 | 2700.0 | 6300 | 2927.4074074 | 1427.7898549 | NA | NA | ▂▇▇▃▂ | NA |
HSASFK | HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 120 | 0.2814371 | NA | NA | NA | 67.3 | 94.0 | 100 | 91.8333333 | 6.8292671 | NA | NA | ▁▁▂▃▇ | NA |
HSASWK | HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 64 | 0.6167665 | NA | NA | NA | 64.0 | 93.0 | 99 | 91.2644045 | 5.8409655 | NA | NA | ▁▁▁▃▇ | NA |
HSASSK | HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 63 | 0.6227545 | NA | NA | NA | 78.0 | 94.2 | 98 | 93.2951283 | 3.4224267 | NA | NA | ▁▁▁▅▇ | NA |
HSASF1 | HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 97 | 0.4191617 | NA | NA | NA | 83.0 | 96.3 | 100 | 95.0589603 | 3.7725274 | NA | NA | ▁▂▂▇▇ | NA |
HSASW1 | HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 79.7 | 95.0 | 99 | 94.3167502 | 3.2375970 | NA | NA | ▁▁▂▆▇ | NA |
HSASS1 | HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 63 | 0.6227545 | NA | NA | NA | 85.4 | 95.0 | 100 | 94.7224970 | 2.3942944 | NA | NA | ▁▁▆▇▃ | NA |
HSATFK | HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 120 | 0.2814371 | NA | NA | NA | 12.0 | 20.5 | 41 | 21.4751773 | 6.9580332 | NA | NA | ▇▇▃▂▁ | NA |
HSATWK | HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 64 | 0.6167665 | NA | NA | NA | 12.0 | 25.2 | 63 | 27.3167249 | 8.7160690 | NA | NA | ▅▇▂▁▁ | NA |
HSATSK | HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 18.0 | 25.7 | 58 | 27.8527220 | 6.7816999 | NA | NA | ▇▅▂▁▁ | NA |
HSATF1 | HeadSprout Average time spent per episode during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 97 | 0.4191617 | NA | NA | NA | 13.0 | 23.0 | 64 | 24.1259111 | 8.3634305 | NA | NA | ▇▆▁▁▁ | NA |
HSATW1 | HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 13.0 | 25.0 | 46 | 26.3544447 | 7.0507188 | NA | NA | ▂▇▅▁▂ | NA |
HSATS1 | HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 16.0 | 24.3 | 72 | 25.4992476 | 7.0913368 | NA | NA | ▇▃▁▁▁ | NA |
HSPNFK | HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Fall Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 120 | 0.2814371 | NA | NA | NA | 9.5 | 43.3 | 178 | 54.4432624 | 36.9057959 | NA | NA | ▇▅▃▁▁ | NA |
HSPNWK | HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Winter Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 64 | 0.6167665 | NA | NA | NA | 10.0 | 47.0 | 232 | 56.5664207 | 38.5656253 | NA | NA | ▇▅▁▁▁ | NA |
HSPNSK | HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Spring Kindergarten | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 7.6 | 31.4 | 121 | 38.0358741 | 22.5252530 | NA | NA | ▇▅▃▁▁ | NA |
HSPNF1 | HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Fall First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 97 | 0.4191617 | NA | NA | NA | 2.0 | 18.8 | 143 | 26.5196651 | 23.6550312 | NA | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | NA |
HSPNW1 | HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Winter First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 61 | 0.6347305 | NA | NA | NA | 3.4 | 27.0 | 164 | 35.5375823 | 27.5645003 | NA | NA | ▇▃▂▁▁ | NA |
HSPNS1 | HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Spring First Grade | numeric | NA | NA | 62 | 0.6287425 | NA | NA | NA | 2.0 | 25.2 | 183 | 31.1323362 | 25.7270759 | NA | NA | ▇▂▁▁▁ | NA |
JSON-LD metadata
The following JSON-LD can be found by search engines, if you share this codebook publicly on the web.
"name": "All data from Headsprout project",
"description": "Data from the Headsprout data analytics project. This dataset includes student progress monitoring data, data analytics from their engagement in Headsprout, and information about their home literacy environment\n\n\n## Table of variables\nThis table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values.\nSee the complete codebook for more.\n\n[truncated]\n\n### Note\nThis dataset was automatically described using the [codebook R package]( (version 0.9.2).",
"datePublished": "2021-04-09",
"keywords": ["SID", "Gender", "AgeT1", "AgeT2", "AgeT3", "AgeT4", "AgeT5", "AgeT6", "TeachK", "Teach1", "HD1", "HD2A", "HD2C", "HD3", "HD4A", "HD4B", "HD4C", "HD4D", "HD4E", "HD4F", "HD4G", "HD4H", "HD5", "HD6", "HLA1", "HLA2", "HLA3", "HLA4", "HLA5", "HLA6", "HLA7", "HLA8", "HLA9", "HLA10", "HLA11", "HLA12", "HLA13", "HLA14", "HLA15", "HLA16", "HLA17", "HLA18", "HLA19", "HLA20", "SEL1", "SEL2", "SEL3", "SEL4", "SEL5", "SEL6", "SEL7", "SEL8", "SEL9", "SEL10", "SEL11", "SEL12", "SEL13", "SEL14", "SEL15", "SEL16", "SEL17", "SEL18", "SEL19", "SEL20", "SEL21", "CELFWKR", "CELFSKR", "CELFW1R", "CELFS1R", "CELFWKS", "CELFSKS", "CELFW1S", "CELFS1S", "PPVTFK", "TPDEWK", "TPDESK", "TPDEF1", "TPDEW1", "TPDES1", "TSWEWK", "TSWESK", "TSWEF1", "TSWEW1", "TSWES1", "TPDEWKRaw", "TPDESKRaw", "TPDEF1Raw", "TPDEW1Raw", "TPDES1Raw", "TSWEWKRaw", "TSWESKRaw", "TSWEF1Raw", "TSWEW1Raw", "TSWES1Raw", "DFSFFK", "DFSFWK", "DFSFSK", "DFSFF1", "DFSFW1", "DFSFS1", "DLNFFK", "DLNFWK", "DLNFSK", "DLNFF1", "DLNFW1", "DLNFS1", "DPSFFK", "DPSFWK", "DPSFSK", "DPSFF1", "DPSFW1", "DPSFS1", "DNWFFK", "DNWFWK", "DNWFSK", "DNWFF1", "DNWFW1", "DNWFS1", "DNWFFKRaw", "DNWFWKWWR", "DNWFSKWWR", "DNWFF1WWR", "DNWFW1WWR", "DNWFS1WWR", "DORFF1", "DORFW1", "DORFS1", "HSBRFK", "HSBRWK", "HSBRSK", "HSBRF1", "HSBRW1", "HSBRS1", "HSECFK", "HSECWK", "HSECSK", "HSECF1", "HSECW1", "HSECS1", "HSLTFK", "HSLTWK", "HSLTSK", "HSLTF1", "HSLTW1", "HSLTS1", "HSNLFK", "HSNLWK", "HSNLSK", "HSNLF1", "HSNLW1", "HSNLS1", "HSNIFK", "HSNIWK", "HSNISK", "HSNIF1", "HSNIW1", "HSNIS1", "HSITFK", "HSITWK", "HSITSK", "HSITF1", "HSITW1", "HSITS1", "HSNSFK", "HSNSWK", "HSNSSK", "HSNSF1", "HSNSW1", "HSNSS1", "HSASFK", "HSASWK", "HSASSK", "HSASF1", "HSASW1", "HSASS1", "HSATFK", "HSATWK", "HSATSK", "HSATF1", "HSATW1", "HSATS1", "HSPNFK", "HSPNWK", "HSPNSK", "HSPNF1", "HSPNW1", "HSPNS1"],
"@context": "",
"@type": "Dataset",
"variableMeasured": [
"name": "SID",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "Gender",
"description": "Biological Sex",
"value": "F. Female,\nM. Male",
"maxValue": "M",
"minValue": "F",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "AgeT1",
"description": "Age in days at Fall Kindergarten Test Occasion",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "AgeT2",
"description": "Age in days at Winter Kindergarten Test Occasion",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "AgeT3",
"description": "Age in days at Spring Kindergarten Test Occasion",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "AgeT4",
"description": "Age in days at Fall First Grade Test Occasion",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "AgeT5",
"description": "Age in days at Winter First Grade Test Occasion",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "AgeT6",
"description": "Age in days at Spring First Grade Test Occasion",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TeachK",
"description": "Teacher in Kindergarten",
"value": "1. 1,\n2. 6,\n3. 0,\n4. 2",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "Teach1",
"description": "Teacher in First Grade",
"value": "1. 4,\n2. 0,\n3. 5,\n4. 3,\n5. 7",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD1",
"description": "What is your relationship to the child",
"value": "1. mother,\n2. father,\n3. other",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "1",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD2A",
"description": "What is the primary language spoken at home?",
"value": "1. English,\n2. Other",
"maxValue": "2",
"minValue": "1",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD2C",
"description": "Is there a second language in the home",
"value": "1. Yes,\n0. No",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD3",
"description": "How many people live in your household",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD4A",
"description": "Age of household member 1",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD4B",
"description": "Age of household member 2",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD4C",
"description": "Age of household member 3",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD4D",
"description": "Age of household member 4",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD4E",
"description": "Age of household member 5",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD4F",
"description": "Age of household member 6",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD4G",
"description": "Age of household member 7",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD4H",
"description": "Age of household member 8",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD5",
"description": "How long have you lived in your current home",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HD6",
"description": "What is your highest level of education?",
"value": "1. graduate degree,\n2. obtained undergraduate degree,\n3. community college,\n4. completed high school or equivalent,\n5. other",
"maxValue": "5",
"minValue": "1",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA1",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family read to your child?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA2",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child asked to be read to?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA3",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that you left notes for other family members?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA4",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child listened to books on tape?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA5",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family made/used a shopping list?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA6",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child recognized or asked for help to read store or traffic signs?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA7",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child pretended to read story books?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA8",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that someone in your family received or wrote a letter or e-mail?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA9",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child tried to tell or write stories?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA10",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child discussed books that had been read?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA11",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child wrote or asked help to write letters/words?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA12",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child recited the alphabet?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA13",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child said sounds of letters?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA14",
"description": "How many times in the past week would you estimate that your child saw you reading books, magazines or newspapers?",
"value": "0. not at all,\n1. once or twice,\n2. more than three times,\n3. every day",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA15",
"description": "Does your child have a favorite book?",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA16",
"description": "If yes, what book is that?",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA17",
"description": "Do you have a library card?",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA18",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA19",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HLA20",
"description": "What other activities related to reading and writing can you think of that occur in your home?",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL1",
"description": "Can your child recognize all of the letters of the alphabet??",
"value": "1. most,\n2. some,\n3. none",
"maxValue": "3",
"minValue": "1",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL2",
"description": "Can your child write his or her first name, even if some of the letters are backwards?",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL3",
"description": "How high can your child count?",
"value": "1. 5,\n2. 10,\n3. 20,\n4. 50,\n5. 100+",
"maxValue": "5",
"minValue": "1",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL4",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Alphabet blocks",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL5",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Magnetic letters",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL6",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Flash cards with letters and/or pictures",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL7",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Markers",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL8",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Crayons",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL9",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: His or her own pens or pencils",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL10",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Papers for writing/coloring",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL11",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Books on tape",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL12",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children's dictionary",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL13",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children's encyclopedia",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL14",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Chalk/writing board",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL15",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children's books",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL16",
"description": "Check any of the following items that your child has at home: Children's magazines",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL17",
"description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: A computer",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL18",
"description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: Computer games or programs",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL19",
"description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: Books for grown ups",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL20",
"description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: Magazines for grown ups",
"value": "0. No,\n1. Yes",
"maxValue": "1",
"minValue": "0",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "SEL21",
"description": "Check if your family has any of these things at home: Daily Newspaper",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "CELFWKR",
"description": "CELF scores Recalling Sentences Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "CELFSKR",
"description": "CELF scores Recalling Sentences Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "CELFW1R",
"description": "CELF scores Recalling Sentences Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "CELFS1R",
"description": "CELF scores Recalling Sentences Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "CELFWKS",
"description": "CELF scores Sentences Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "CELFSKS",
"description": "CELF scores Sentences Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "CELFW1S",
"description": "CELF scores Sentences Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "CELFS1S",
"description": "CELF scores Sentences Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "PPVTFK",
"description": "PPVT scores from Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDEWK",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDESK",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDEF1",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Fall First Grade-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDEW1",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter First Grade-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDES1",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring First Grade-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWEWK",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWESK",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWEF1",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Fall First Grade-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWEW1",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter First Grade-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWES1",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring First Grade-scaled scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDEWKRaw",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDESKRaw",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDEF1Raw",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Fall First Grade-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDEW1Raw",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Winter First Grade-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TPDES1Raw",
"description": "TOWRE Phonemic Decoding Efficiency Spring First Grade-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWEWKRaw",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter Kindergarten-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWESKRaw",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring Kindergarten-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWEF1Raw",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Fall First Grade-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWEW1Raw",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Winter First Grade-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "TSWES1Raw",
"description": "TOWRE Sight Word Efficiency Spring First Grade-raw scores",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DFSFFK",
"description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DFSFWK",
"description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DFSFSK",
"description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DFSFF1",
"description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DFSFW1",
"description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DFSFS1",
"description": "DIBELS First Sounds Fluency Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DLNFFK",
"description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DLNFWK",
"description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DLNFSK",
"description": "DIBELS FLetter Naming Fluency Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DLNFF1",
"description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DLNFW1",
"description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DLNFS1",
"description": "DIBELS Letter Naming Fluency Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DPSFFK",
"description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DPSFWK",
"description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DPSFSK",
"description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DPSFF1",
"description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DPSFW1",
"description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DPSFS1",
"description": "DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFFK",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFWK",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFSK",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring Kindergarten - Correct Letter Sounds",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFF1",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFW1",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFS1",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring First Grade- Correct Letter Sounds",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFFKRaw",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall Kindergarten - Whole Words Read",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFWKWWR",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter Kindergarten - Whole Words Read",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFSKWWR",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring Kindergarten - Whole Words Read",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFF1WWR",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Fall First Grade- Whole Words Read",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFW1WWR",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Winter First Grade- Whole Words Read",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DNWFS1WWR",
"description": "DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Spring First Grade- Whole Words Read",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DORFF1",
"description": "DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Fall First Grade- Words correct per minute",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DORFW1",
"description": "DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Fluency Winter First Grade- Words correct per minute",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "DORFS1",
"description": "DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Spring First Grade- Words correct per minute",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSBRFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSBRWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSBRSK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSBRF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSBRW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSBRS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Books Read during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSECFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSECWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSECSK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSECF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSECW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSECS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Episodes completed during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSLTFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSLTWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSLTSK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSLTF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSLTW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSLTS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes logged in during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNLFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNLWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNLSK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNLF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNLW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNLS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of times logged in during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNIFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNIWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNISK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNIF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNIW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNIS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of interactions with the program during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSITFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSITWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSITSK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSITF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSITW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSITS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of minutes spent on incentives during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNSFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNSWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNSSK",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNSF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNSW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSNSS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Number of Stars earned during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSASFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSASWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSASSK",
"description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSASF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSASW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSASS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Average score per episode during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSATFK",
"description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSATWK",
"description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSATSK",
"description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSATF1",
"description": "HeadSprout Average time spent per episode during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSATW1",
"description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSATS1",
"description": "HeadSprout Average time spent episode during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSPNFK",
"description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Fall Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSPNWK",
"description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Winter Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSPNSK",
"description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Spring Kindergarten",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSPNF1",
"description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Fall First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSPNW1",
"description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Winter First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"
"name": "HSPNS1",
"description": "HeadSprout percent of times not respondent to program prompts during the Spring First Grade",
"@type": "propertyValue"