Edwards, A., van Dijk, W., & Hart, S.A. (2020). 10 benefits of data sharing. Available https://venngage.net/ps/Uz65vsS6hI/new-10-benefits-of-data-sharing. Reuse available under a CC BY 4.0 license.
10 Benefits of Data Sharing
Engage in Open Science
Sharing data is one of the most important elements of Open Science.
Stimulate Collaboration
Sharing data can lead to more collaborative research efforts by forming alliances.
Publication with open data attached get cited more often than publications without open data.
Save resources
Sharing data reduces cost of resources, such as time and money needed to collect similar data.
Support young scholars
Provides necessary career opportunities to early career researchers who may not have funds to get pilot data for grants, or to complete large projects. Provides opportunities for students to use high-quality data for course projects.
Support Combining Data
Sharing data enables combining data sets through integrative data analysis, which can lead to larger analyzable data sets (including of low-base populations) and meta-analysis.
Support advances in education and developmental science
Sharing data can lead to more creativity in research; other researchers may have different questions based on the same data, collectively this can advance developmental and educational research faster and in a more robust way.
Support other researchers
Provide necessary career opportunities to researchers who are at smaller IHEs and may not have resources to collect data or finish projects.
Sharing data demonstrates you care about the integrity of your research, letting others verify the results.
Comply with federal grant requirements
Your funder might require you to share your data