Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment


This project was funded by the NIH through the P50 Florida Learning Disabilities Research Center. More information about the project can be read in this publication about the project:

Taylor, J., Martinez, K., & Hart, S.A. (2019). The Florida State Twin Registry. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22(6), 728-730.

The following is the grant abstract:
Reading problems are associated with issues including school failure and behavior problems that can negatively impact children's health and wellbeing. The primary focus of this project was to use a sample of twins from diverse ethnic, racial, and economic backgrounds to accomplish the three main aims that will advance the field's understanding of varied reading problem phenotypes, the interplay between environmental influences and genetic risk the lead to reading problems, and genetic and environmental factors influencing comorbidity between reading and behavior problems.

For the first aim, measures from Florida's Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) on reading were used to analyze the twin's achievement in various reading constructs, creating classifications of reading problems to identify specific reading problems with significant levels of genetic influence. Behavioral, cognitive, and environmental measures of the school and home were additionally collected during this aim. This collection laid the groundwork for analyses on comorbidity between behavioral, cognitive, and reading problems, and additionally provided the necessary data to create composites of the general environment (e.g. home literacy environment, school resource level, socioeconomic status, etc.)

The second aim focused on the identification of gene-environment interplays that underly reading problems. Focus was placed on the identification of these interplays through the testing of moderation effects of the environmental factors from the first aim on the genetic and environmental influences associated with the reading measures.

The third aim provided a reassessment of various behavioral and environmental measures during years 3 and 5 of the project. This reassessment allowed for longitudinal analyses and comparison to be conducted, observing the codevelopment between reading and behavioral/cognitive measures, as well as analyzing how stability of environmental influences may impact the development of these constructs.

Project Active From
January 2014 to December 2018
Developmental Design
Funding Agency / Grant Number
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development / 5P50HD052120-08

Most Recent Datasets in Project

  • Dataset: Behavior and Environment Survey
    Last update: December 7, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains results from the initial survey assessment completed by parents and twins (who were 9 years or older) regarding the twin pair's environments and behaviors (2010). T
  • Dataset: FTP Race and Ethnicity
    Last update: November 29, 2023
    Description: Race and ethnicity variables can be particularly problematic for data reidentification and data misuse in publicly available datasets, and as such were removed from the original datasets. This dataset...
  • Dataset: Wave 1 Parent Survey Measures
    Last update: August 24, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains results from the first wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2012. Within said surveys, parents were asked to rate themselves, their home, and their twins on various q...
  • Dataset: Wave 2 Parent Survey Measures
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains results from the second wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2014. Within said surveys, parents were asked to rate themselves, their home, and their twins on various ...
  • Dataset: Wave 3 Parent Survey Measures
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains results from the third wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2016. In these surveys, parents were asked to rate themselves, their home, and their twins on various ques...
  • Dataset: Wave 1 Child Survey Measures
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 2 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2012. This contains measures related to the child's home and school e...
  • Dataset: Wave 2 Child Survey Measures
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 2 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2014. This contains measures related to the child's home and school e...
  • Dataset: Wave 3 Child Survey Measures
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 3 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2016. This contains measures related to the child's home and school e...
  • Dataset: Wave 1 Child Achievement Measures
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains measures from the first wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2012). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
  • Dataset: Wave 2 Child Achievement Measures
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains measures from the second wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2014). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
  • Dataset: Wave 3 Child Achievement Measures
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains measures from the third wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2016). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
  • Dataset: Twin Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network Data
    Last update: August 15, 2023
    Description: This dataset contains information from the Florida Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) linked to the Florida Twin Project twins. Data within this set contains information related to progr...

Most Recent Documents in Project

  • Codebook: Wave 1 Parent Survey Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 1 Parent Measures . Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated within the docum...
  • Codebook: Wave 2 Child Achievement Measures Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables in the Wave 2 Child Achievement Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated wi...
  • Codebook: Wave 3 Child Achievement Measures Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 3 Child Achievement Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotate...
  • Codebook: Behavior and Environment Survey Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on variables within the Behavior and Environment Survey dataset. This codebook corresponds to both the parent and twin self-report survey data.
  • Codebook: Twin Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network Data Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information related to the variables within the "Twin Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network Data" dataset. Information within reflects original coding as well as changes to ...
  • Codebook: Wave 2 Parent Survey Measures Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 2 Parent Survey Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated wi...
  • Codebook: Wave 1 Child Survey Measures Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 1 Child Survey Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated wit...
  • Codebook: Wave 2 Child Survey Measures Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 2 Child Survey Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated wit...
  • Codebook: Wave 3 Child Survey Measures Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 3 Child Survey Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated wit...
  • Codebook: Wave 3 Parent Survey Measures Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables in the Wave 3 Parent Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated within the do...
  • Codebook: Wave 1 Child Achievement Measures Codebook
    Last update: July 8, 2022
    Description: This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 1 Achievement Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated with...

Most Recent Code in Project

There are no code for this project.