Code Information
In this form, you can provide the metadata for your code. All information entered here will be searchable within LDbase and on the web, even if you decide not to share the actual code. Not all fields are required, but it will help other users find your code if you fill out everything. You can choose to upload input only or code with output.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
*Upload Code or Link to an external source
If you are storing your code on LDbase, select upload and follow the steps. If your code is already stored online, select URL and provide the online location information. Choose from the following options:
- I will upload the Code
- I have a URL that links to where my Code is already stored online elsewhere
*Code Name: Enter the name you want your code to be identified as. It is helpful for other users if the name helps them understand the content and context of the code.
*Code Type: Indicate the main function of this code. View all Code Types
*Code Description: Provide a brief description of what is in this code. Include, for example if it’s needed to create transformed scores using data you have posted, or if it’s code that accompanies a published paper. Also include the program and version number of the program you used for this code.
*Code Contributor(s): Enter the full names of the people who should get credit for this code and be part of the citation. This may or may not include named personnel on funded grants, but likely includes those who put the code together. Code contributors can be different from project investigators and dataset investigators.
License: Choose the license type for your Code. There are many levels of Creative Commons (CC) licenses you can choose from. For full information about CC licenses, read about it in the Best Practices License Types page. If you opt to make your material public without a license, other users may use and reuse it without citing you and your team. If you have a license in mind that is not on the list, select the "Other" option and enter the type in the box.
Code DOI: A digital object identifier provides a persistent link to a specific research output and makes it a citable product. A different DOI can be assigned to each of your research outputs, such as a project, dataset, published manuscript, survey, or conference presentation. Other researchers will be able to easily find your specific output through its DOI. If you already have a DOI for your project, enter it here. If you don’t have a DOI yet, you will be provided the option to generate one when submitting this form.