Person: Willa van Dijk

Professional Titles
Assistant Professor
Google Scholar ID

I am an Assistant Professor in Special Education at Utah State University focusing on preventing reading failure. I am interested in how individual differences in children and teachers influence the effectiveness of reading intervention. I use advanced statistical models and single case research designs to answer my questions and try to share all aspects of my work openly.

Full Name
Wilhelmina van Dijk
Thumbnail for Willa van Dijk


Code: Internal consistency for PV and LWID (Uploaded on )

This code calculates internal consistency for 6 ISI projects. Including alpha for the total sample, and by project. This code accompanies "Examining differential intervention effects: Do Individualized Student Intervention effects vary by student abilities and characteristics?"

Code: Quantile Regression Models for 6 projects ISI (Uploaded on )

This code generates descriptive statistics, Mplus input files for MNLFA models, multiple imputation, and multi-level quantile regression models that accompany the paper "Examining differential intervention effects: Do Individualized Student Intervention effects vary by student abilities and chara

Document: Mplus Output MNLFA models PV (Uploaded on )

This file contains all Mplus output for the 23 Mplus models to generate scaled factor scores for PV using MNLFA.

Document: Mplus output MNLFA models LWID (Uploaded on )

This file contains all Mplus output for the 47 Mplus models to generate scaled factor scores for LWID using MNLFA.

Document: Generated factor scores for LWID (Uploaded on )

These are the generated factor scores through MNLFA for LWID.

Document: Wave 3 LWID data (Uploaded on )

This is the data sample needed to run the CFA for LWID wave 3.

Document: Wave 1 LWID data (Uploaded on )

This is the data sample needed to run the CFA for LWID wave 1.

This is the data sample needed to generate factor scores for the LWID MNLFA models

Document: Calibration sample for MNLFA models LWID (Uploaded on )

This is the calibration data sample to run the measurement invariance models for LWID using MNLFA in Mplus.

Document: Wave 3 PV data (Uploaded on )

This is the data sample needed to run the CFA for PV wave 3.