This codebook contains information on the related Reading for Understanding project's data and measures. Information regarding measures of or related to: SWAN, CRS, Woodcock-Johnson, Working Memory, WISC, TOWRE, TOSREC, TOSCRF, Test of Language Development- Intermediate (TOLD I) and Primary (TOLD P), Stanford Binet, Spoken Morphology Awareness, Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test (ROWPVT), PIAT, PCTOPP, OWLS, FAIR, Orthographic Pattern Awareness Task (OPA), Morphological Syntax Awareness Task, Listening Span, Listening Comprehension Story, Garden Path Maze, Gates MacGinitie (GATES), Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test, CTOPP, CELF, CASL, and PIE are available.
Codebook: Reading for Understanding Codebook
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