Person: Jeanette Taylor

Full Name
Jeanette E Taylor
Publishing Names
Jeanette Taylor


Dataset: FTP Race and Ethnicity (Uploaded on )

Race and ethnicity variables can be particularly problematic for data reidentification and data misuse in publicly available datasets, and as such were removed from the original datasets.

Document: Twin Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network Data Codebook (Uploaded on )

This codebook contains information related to the variables within the "Twin Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network Data" dataset.

Dataset: Twin Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network Data (Uploaded on )

This dataset contains information from the Florida Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) linked to the Florida Twin Project twins.

Document: Behavior and Environment Survey Codebook (Uploaded on )

This codebook contains information on variables within the Behavior and Environment Survey dataset. This codebook corresponds to both the parent and twin self-report survey data.

Dataset: Behavior and Environment Survey (Uploaded on )

This dataset contains results from the initial survey assessment completed by parents and twins (who were 9 years or older) regarding the twin pair's environments and behaviors (2010). T

Document: Wave 3 Child Achievement Measures Codebook (Uploaded on )

This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 3 Child Achievement Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated within the document.

Document: Wave 2 Child Achievement Measures Codebook (Uploaded on )

This codebook contains information on the variables in the Wave 2 Child Achievement Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated within the document.

Document: Wave 1 Child Achievement Measures Codebook (Uploaded on )

This codebook contains information on the variables within the Wave 1 Achievement Measures dataset. Original coding is provided, with alterations to coding for deidentification purposes annotated within the document.

Dataset: Wave 3 Child Achievement Measures (Uploaded on )

This dataset contains measures from the third wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2016). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.