She is a Doctor of Science in Finance and Accounting (Economy), works as a Professor Assistant at the Faculty of Management in Tourism, Hospitality and Environment, University “Haxhi Zeka” Peja-State of Kosovo. She is the co-founder of B.O.R.N., Ambassador for Financial Evaluation, Ambassador for Women-Tech, as well as the Ambassador for Research and Innovation. She is the Country Director of International Young Society and Country Director of World Voice International. She is a Member of the Editorial Board of many magazines in different countries of the world such as: USA, Belgium, Georgia, Germany,
Denmark, Ukraine, India, Pakistan, Philippines etc. She has a great experience in International Conferences as a supervisor, as a member of the scientific committee, as a member of the editorial board, as a session chair in Universities, Institutes and various countries of the world as follows: Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria, Turkey, United Kingdom, South Korea, India, Italy etc. She is a reviewer in prestigious journals on Scopus and Web of Science such as: United Kingdom and Switzerland. She also has an excellent experience as a visiting professor to lecture on economics, finance, accounting, education, teaching, research, and many other topics relevant to economic development, financial stability and quality enhancement in higher education at many Universities, Institutes , NGOs, Symposiums, Summits, Workshops, Webinars, around the world such as: United States, India, Indonesia, Egypt, Philippines, Belgium, Germany, Albania, Italy, Iran, Australia, Iraq, Egypt, Malaysia, Romania, Ireland, Cambodia, England, Germany, France, Canada, Edinburgh, Hong Kong, Poland, Singapore, Scotland, Finland etc. She has completed many trainings and programs in the field of economics, finance, accounting, research, management, diversity etc., in World Universities such as: United States, Ukraine, Italy, Austria, Germany, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sweden, and is certified from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund through the Edx program. She is a member of: Institutes of Economics, Education and Research. Has experience in projects through Erasmus +, Euphoria, Tempus programs. She is the winner of many awards in the world such as: teaching, science, creative ideas, a successful woman, peace etc. In Kosovo she has an excellent experience in many functions within the University: as a member of the University Board, Senator, Coordinator for academic development and quality assurance, member of the commission for internationalization and member of many other committees within the Faculty and University. She has been a distinguished student in Kosovo and now has a number of acknowledgments from students as a distinguished professor. She is ready for collaborations and teamwork.

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