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Description: This project relates to the published manuscript available at https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1747021820923944
Description: The purpose of this scoping review to provide a rigorous – and accessible – overview of the research base for universal behavior screening instruments to facilitate educators’ decision-making process when selecting a systematic screening tool for the students they serve and identify areas of further refinement for the research community.
Part of Project: Listening to Speech and Non-speech Sounds Activates Phonological and Semantic Knowledge Differently
Description: This contains the data related to the project "Listening to Speech and Non-speech Sounds Activates Phonological and Semantic Knowledge Differently" and its related manuscript which is available at 10.1177/1747021820923944
Part of Project: Mapping the Research Base for Universal Behavior Screeners
Description: This database includes a of summary findings from 180 articles examining psychometric properties behavior screening tools administered universally which are summarized in the article "Mapping the Research Base for Universal Behavior Screeners".
Other Publishing Name(s): Elizabeth Norton
Description: Elizabeth Norton, PhD, is an associate professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Northwestern University. She studies predictors and development of language and reading.
Other Publishing Name(s): Katie Scarlett Lane
Description: Katie Pelton is a doctoral student at the University of Connecticut in the Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation program. She previously earned studied Special Education at Vanderbilt University.