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Description: The Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (CLDRC; P50 HD27802) is a long-standing interdisciplinary, multisite research program that is supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Description: This project page describes the creation of a latent reading score created by combining data across 12 datasets available on LDBase. This variable is the product of an Integrated Data Analysis (IDA) which was modeled using a multiple-group measurement model described below.
Description: This project focused on the idea of data-based decision-making (DBDM) at the classroom level, focusing on how teachers use assessment data to adapt their instruction to students’ individual needs. The present project investigated this idea directly and evaluated the effectiveness of teacher support on the different steps of this process.
Part of Project: Colorado Twin Project
Description: This is the Colorado Twin Dataset in Long Format
Part of Project: Data-based decision-making in schools: Examining the process and effects of teacher support
Description: This dataset contains the relevant data related to the project "Data-based decision-making in schools: Examining the process and effects of teacher support", that were used in the associated manuscript available at https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000530. Data and associated codebook/materials are all available at the external dataset link.