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Description: Data sharing is increasingly becoming a highly encouraged or required practice for any federally funded research projects. However, the uptake of these practices in the field of education science has been minimal.
Part of Project: Support networks for instructional coaches and special education teachers
Description: These data include demographic information on the participating coaches (n = 15) and their coaching context. These data are crosssectional and include specific ego-IDs that can be used to merge with Alter and Tie datasets.
Part of Project: Support networks for instructional coaches and special education teachers
Description: These data contain perceived demographic data on named alters (by Ego) and perceived support provision. These data can be combined with Ego level data to make a nested set using key ID variables.
Part of Project: Support networks for instructional coaches and special education teachers
Description: These data are ties between alters in the network. These data are needed to visualize the complete network using ego and alter data as well.
Part of Project: Education Researchers’ Beliefs and Barriers towards Data Sharing
Description: This is the code for analyses run for our study. This includes frequencies and descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and ANOVAs.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Education Researchers’ Beliefs and Barriers towards Data Sharing
Description: This codebook provides a description of each variable in our dataset and, when appropriate, provides the survey question the variable represents.
Document Type: Codebook