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Description: The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) partnered with the University of Houston, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas A&M University, and Florida State University to improve the reading comprehension of students in grades 7 through 12.
Description: This project focused on the idea of data-based decision-making (DBDM) at the classroom level, focusing on how teachers use assessment data to adapt their instruction to students’ individual needs. The present project investigated this idea directly and evaluated the effectiveness of teacher support on the different steps of this process.
Description: Telehealth was introduced into early intervention (EI) service delivery models during the COVID-19 pandemic raising questions about changes in service access for children from marginalized groups, service type and intensity, as well as cost-effectiveness.
Part of Project: Data-based decision-making in schools: Examining the process and effects of teacher support
Description: This dataset contains the relevant data related to the project "Data-based decision-making in schools: Examining the process and effects of teacher support", that were used in the associated manuscript available at https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000530. Data and associated codebook/materials are all available at the external dataset link.