Dataset: Meta-Analysis Codebook of Final Articles with Effect Sizes, Sample Sizes, and Moderators [v.1]

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The data are in long form, with some studies having multiple lines and includes a sample of children ranging from 3.54 to 13.75 years old. The main effect size is the r, correlation coefficient, and the accompanying sample size is also included. Each article is coded to include a study number, the article name, and its authors, as well as a X moderators. The moderators are as follows:
- grade_new2 = sample grade category, where 1 = preschool/kindergarten, 2 = secondary
- HME_comp_new = HME component, where 1 = direct activities, 2 = indirect activities, 3 = combination direct and indirect activities, 4 = parent attitudes and/or beliefs, 5 = parent math expectations, 6 = spatial activities, 7 = math talk
- hme_type_nocombo = HME measurement method, where 1 = frequency-based scale, 2 = rating scale, 3 = checklist, 4 = observation
- obs_pr = two-level HME measurement method variable, where 1 = observation-based, 2 = parent-report
- math_dom_nospat = math domain, where 1 = arithmetic operations, 2 = relations, 3 = numbering, 4 = multiple domains
- symbolic_nonsymbolic = refers to math assessment, where 1 = symbolic, 2 = non-symbolic, 3 = combination symbolic and non-symbolic
- timed_new = refers to math assessment, where 1 = timed, 2 = untimed, . = combination timed and untimed
- composite = refers to math assessment, where 1 = composite, 2 = single math assessment
- std_new = refers to math assessment, where 1 = standardized, 2 = unstandardized, . = combination standardized and unstandardized
- hme_calc = hme calculation method, where 1 = latent factor score, 2 = sum score, 3 = single item
- age = sample age in years
- long_new = refers to effect size, where 1 = longitudinal relation, 2 = concurrent relation
- low_SES = sample SES, where 1 = low SES (50% or more), 2 = average SES, 3 = high SES (50% or more)
- parent_ed = sample SES in terms of parent education level, based on the percentage of parents reported to have completed any post-secondary education (included a vocational certification, attended some college, and/or completed an associate’s, bachelor’s, or graduate degree program). The percentage was converted into a decimal value ranging from .00 to 1.00.

Are these data unique or derived? ? If data were collected specifically for this project and are not stored in a slightly different form elsewhere, they are unique. If these data combine or use data from other datasets, they are derived
Tallahassee, Florida, United States
1 Children (Age Range: 3-13)
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