Dataset: Data Set of Survey Responses of the study entitled "Finding Strength in time: Present-fatalistic Time Perspective's Mediating Role on Extraversion and Mental Pain Tolerance" [v.1]

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The data set consists of survey responses from Likert scale questionnaires of 3 variables: extraversion, present-fatalistic time perspective, and mental pain tolerance. The participants were 679 Filipino participants of the general public aged 20-59 yrs.
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The data set consists of survey responses from Likert scale questionnaires of 3 variables: extraversion, present-fatalistic time perspective, and mental pain tolerance. The participants were 679 Filipino participants of the general public aged 20-59 yrs.

Are these data unique or derived? ? If data were collected specifically for this project and are not stored in a slightly different form elsewhere, they are unique. If these data combine or use data from other datasets, they are derived
Cebu, Cebu, Philippines
679 Adults (Age Range: 20-59)