This meta-analysis examined effects of intervention on the level and trend of text-writing sequences of students with disabilities and writing difficulties, in addition to potential moderating effects related to student demographics (i.e., disability status, age, gender, and race) and writing task (i.e., sentence, essay, and narrative). Eighteen single-case experimental design studies with a total of 96 students were reviewed and 15 of these studies with a total of 79 students were meta-analyzed using mixed-effects linear regression and an information-theoretic ranking of competing models.
Project: Writing Sequences of Students with Disabilities: A Review Contrasting Level and Trend Effects
Project Active From
Educational Environment
Project Method(s)
Developmental Design
Most Recent Datasets in Project
Dataset: Data extracted and coded for meta.xls
Last update: July 12, 2023
Description: This meta-analysis examined effects of intervention on the level and trend of text-writing sequences of students with disabilities and writing difficulties, in addition to potential moderating effects...