This dataset contains the data from the overarching project that was collected via the Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage for Late Talkers (VAULT) protocol. This data is longitudinal in nature, containing data for baseline, pretest, at treatment, post treatment, and a delayed follow-up for 68 students. This dataset contains only data for the first wave of data collection/implementation for the overall project.
Additional information for understanding this dataset: Not all children have a delay period. Although we strive for this, it is not always possible. These children are noted in the dataset. Further, not all children have follow-up data, and missing data are noted. You may also note that some of our publications on these data include additional metrics (e.g., post-treatment probes, use of specific words on the MCDI, number of times words were said, etc.) that are not included here. We did not include these data in LDBase given that, aside from providing some converging evidence, they were in and of themselves not particularly revealing. If you would like any specific data that are not available in LDBase, please contact us ( and we can discuss options. Finally, some variations existed in the administration timeline, which are noted in the dataset. Additional information on this is available in the codebook and its accompanying codebook guide.
Items Connected to this Dataset
Codebook: VAULT Data Codebook
This codebook contains the information needed to understand the variable naming conventions and structure for the VAULT dataset from the larger Longitudinal Assessment of Late Talking Toddlers project...-
Document: VAULT Data Codebook Guide
This document serves as an adjunct for understanding the nature of the VAULT data and its accompanying codebook. Specific information and citations are provided for the individual measures used. Addit... -
Document: VAULT Data D-Score Calculation and Data Transformation Guide
This file contains information on how to calculate the used D-scores from the raw data provided. Additionally, the contained dataset is in long-format, which may cause difficulties for performing cert...
Document: VAULT Data Codebook Guide