Project: Home Math Environment Study


There is a growing concern about international reports citing the US student population is falling behind in STEM related outcomes.
Research efforts have turned towards understand why this happening. There has been a long history of successful research examining what is called the "home literacy environment" (e.g., Griffin & Morrison, 1997), which describes family practices that are
related to successful learning and growth in reading outcomes. Examples of the home literacy environment include shared book reading, presence of books in the home, using the local library, and a rich language environment. Despite the success in identifying the home literacy environment, little is known about the "home math environment". The purpose of this study is to begin to simply identify what parents are doing in their home that might be related to their children's math achievement outcomes. This project examined the home math environment in more detail, including examining the factor structure of the home math environment, and how the home math environment predicted children's outcomes, including when controlling for key covariates.

The data were used for the following paper:
Hart, S.A., Ganley, C.M., & Purpura, D. (2016). Understanding the home math environment and its role in predicting parent report of children's math skills. PLoS ONE, 11(12), e0168227.

Project Active From
2014 to 2016
Project Method(s)
Developmental Design

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