Project: Marshmallow Test & Adult Outcomes: Syntax, Descriptives & Correlations


The following contains the analytic code used to generate the findings reported in "Delay of Gratification and Adult Outcomes: The Marshmallow Test Does Not Reliably Predict Adult Functioning" in Child Development. We also report the means, standard deviations, and correlations among the key variables used in this analysis here.

The preregistration plan for these analyses are available here:
Some of the data necessary to replicate these analyses are publicly available. Earlier waves of SECCYD are posted at ICPSR (the present study utilizes the first two waves, ID's 21940 and 21941;
As of publication, the age 26 wave of data collection is not publicly available.

Project Active From
January 2021 to June 2024
Developmental Design
Funding Agency / Grant Number
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development / 5 U10 HD027040
Funding Agency / Grant Number
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation / G-2017-00786

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