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Part of Project: Education Researchers’ Beliefs and Barriers towards Data Sharing
Description: This is the code for analyses run for our study. This includes frequencies and descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and ANOVAs.
Code Type: Analysis
Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievement Meta-Analysis R code using the Metafor package
Part of Project: The Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievment: A Meta-Analysis
Description: This code was written in R version 3.5.3 using the metafor package (Viechtbauer, 2010). First the dataset is called in, then the variables are converted to the correct formats for analysis, then the escalc() function is used to calculate an overall Fisher's Z effect size, which is then converted to an R correlation coefficient.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Sentence Context Effects on Word Processing Among School-Aged Children in Honduras
Description: This SPSS code takes the raw data posted as "SCE_Data".
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Meta-analysis of Educational RCTs with Follow-up
Description: R code for analyses in Hart et al. (2024). See README for Hart et al. (2024) to orient to the organization of data and code.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Meta-analysis of Educational RCTs with Follow-up
Description: See README for Hart et al. (2024) to orient to the organization of data and code. (unpublished)
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Reading Anxiety and Reading Achievement: A Meta-Analysis
Description: This is the code from the analysis ran for the reading anxiety meta-analysis.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Speech and language skills in children with nonsyndromic cleft palate with or without cleft lip
Description: This code analyzes the "Project 1 - Speech and Language Skills in Young Children with Nonsyndromic Cleft Palate with or without Cleft Lip" data for descriptive counts, main effect sizes, impact of potential moderators, and publication bias. This code also visualizations this dataset with corresponding funnel plots.
Code Type: Analysis, Visualization
Part of Project: Speech and language skills in children with nonsyndromic cleft palate with or without cleft lip
Description: This code is the R code for determining the average correlation between (1) consonant inventory and expressive vocabulary and (2) consonant inventory and mean length of utterance. This code includes the meta-analyses and publication bias tests.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Support networks for instructional coaches and special education teachers
Description: This code includes everything necessary to replicate analyses in the Instructional Coaches Typology paper (see preprint).
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This code takes 4 different datasets generated through the R code (EC_IDA_QR) and runs the MNLFA procedures in Mplus. All aspects of MNLFA are included, CFA, initial measurement variance, calibration, and scoring. Each section should be run separately in Mplus. There are 47 individual Mplus files included.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This code takes 4 different datasets generated through the R code (EC_IDA_QR) and runs the MNLFA procedures in Mplus. All aspects of MNLFA are included, CFA, initial measurement variance, calibration, and scoring. Each section should be run separately in Mplus. There are 24 individual Mplus files included.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This code generates descriptive statistics, Mplus input files for MNLFA models, multiple imputation, and multi-level quantile regression models that accompany the paper "Examining differential intervention effects: Do Individualized Student Intervention effects vary by student abilities and characteristics?"
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This code calculates internal consistency for 6 ISI projects. Including alpha for the total sample, and by project. This code accompanies "Examining differential intervention effects: Do Individualized Student Intervention effects vary by student abilities and characteristics?"
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Home Math Environment Study
Description: This code cleans up the raw data, re-names variables, recodes values, and codes subscales. The code was originally written in SAS.
Code Type: Data Management
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This code accompanies the preprint Do Student Behavior Ratings Predict Response to Tier 1 Reading Interventions? (10.35542/osf.io/jfxz5). Code is for R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23) )macOS Montery 12.5
Code Type: Analysis