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Description: Mathematical thinking is in high demand in the global market, but approximately six percent of school-age children across the globe experience math difficulties (Shalev, et al., 2000).
Description: Language processing accounts posit that spoken and written word predictability processes facilitate language comprehension, and prior research on contextual facilitation effects shows that individuals’ processing of a constrained word is faster and more accurate than that of an unconstrained word.
Part of Project: The Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievment: A Meta-Analysis
Description: The data are in long form, with some studies having multiple lines and includes a sample of children ranging from 3.54 to 13.75 years old. The main effect size is the r, correlation coefficient, and the accompanying sample size is also included.
Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievement Meta-Analysis R code using the Metafor package
Part of Project: The Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievment: A Meta-Analysis
Description: This code was written in R version 3.5.3 using the metafor package (Viechtbauer, 2010). First the dataset is called in, then the variables are converted to the correct formats for analysis, then the escalc() function is used to calculate an overall Fisher's Z effect size, which is then converted to an R correlation coefficient.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Sentence Context Effects on Word Processing Among School-Aged Children in Honduras
Description: This SPSS code takes the raw data posted as "SCE_Data".
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Improving the Academic Performance of First-Grade Students with Reading and Math Difficulty
Description: This document is the following article:
Fuchs, L. S., Fuchs, D., Cho, E., Barnes, M. A., Koponen, T., & Espinas, D. R. (2024). Comorbid Word Reading and Mathematics Computation Difficulty at Start of First Grade. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 0(0).
Document Type: Journal Contribution