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Description: The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) partnered with the University of Houston, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas A&M University, and Florida State University to improve the reading comprehension of students in grades 7 through 12.
Description: We sought to understand the speech and language skills of children with nonsyndromic cleft palate with or without cleft lip (NSCP/L) by meta-analyzing results of the literature.
Description: Emerging adulthood is a period characterized by identity exploration and increasing independence. This often opens up gates for an individual to engage in risk behaviours. Present study examines the impact of parenting styles on the tendency of emerging adults to engage in risk behaviour.
Part of Project: Speech and language skills in children with nonsyndromic cleft palate with or without cleft lip
Description: These data are from our third meta-analysis project. The speech-vocabulary analysis represented eight samples and the speech-mlu analysis represented four samples. The ages ranged from 18-months to 39-months.
Part of Project: Parenting and Risk Propensity
Description: Research variables are perceived parenting, risk propensity and emotionality Sample size 321, Participants: emerging adults(18-25 years) living and raised in India. Crossectional Research.