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Description: This project contains the data related to the study "Methodological Decisions and their impacts on the perceived relations between school funding and educational achievement".
Description: The Western Reserve Reading and Math Project (WRRMP) is a NIH funded longitudinal study on child development. The project has collected data annually for 15 years, with data on approximately 450 twin pairs collected during this time. The project has had several focal points throughout its history.
Description: Project Goals:
The first goal will fill a CUREs gap by creating self-supporting and sustainable protein-centric
CUREs. The second goal will use this protein-centric CUREs community to examine two critical
aspects of a CURE: 1) the impact of the length of CUREs (course long CUREs (cCUREs) or shorter, modular
Part of Project: Methodological decisions and their impacts on the perceived relations between school funding and educational achievement.
Description: This dataset contains the school-level data related to the study "Methodological Decisions and their impacts on the perceived relations between school funding and educational achievement".
Part of Project: Western Reserve Reading and Math Project
Description: This dataset contains all longitudinal data for the entirety of the WRRMP. This includes 10 waves worth of twin data, with extensive reading, math, behavioral, and environmental measures. Due to the twin nature of the data, data is presented as both long and wide, with each twin represented twice within the dataset.
Part of Project: Malate Dehydrogenase CURE Community
Description: Data are from ~1,500 undergraduate students participating in a protein-centric CURE across 19 institutions. This is the data from Lopatto's CURE survey.
Part of Project: Malate Dehydrogenase CURE Community
Description: EDAT data from undergraduate students participating in a protein-centric CURE.
Part of Project: Malate Dehydrogenase CURE Community
Description: This is the results of the faculty CURE survey given after the faculty taught the course.
Part of Project: Malate Dehydrogenase CURE Community
Description: The faculty reported the CURE elements that were incorporated into their course after the semester was finished.
Part of Project: Malate Dehydrogenase CURE Community
Description: This is the student data from the LCAS taken at the end of the semester.
Part of Project: Malate Dehydrogenase CURE Community
Description: This includes the variables from the STEM Career Interest Scale.
Part of Project: Malate Dehydrogenase CURE Community
Description: This contains institutional data gathered from some of the participating institutions including GPA, retention, and graduation data.
Part of Project: Malate Dehydrogenase CURE Community
Description: This is the pre and post test TOSLS data for the undergraduate students in this project.