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Description: The data within this project comprise a four year longitudinal study assessing various aspects of literacy including decoding, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, working memory and writing. Participants were tested on all measures once a year, approximately one year apart.
Description: The purpose of this IES-funded project (#R305A180293, PI = Bailey) was to evaluate the efficacy of Preschool RULER, an approach to social and emotional learning focused on young children and the key adults in their lives (https://rulerapproach.org).
Description: The project delves into the students' opinions of the need and importance of MOOCs in teacher education programmes. These students belong to New Delhi, India and are all pursuing Bachelor's of Education.
Description: The study has been conducted to study the impact of simulation based learning in middle school students of India. The students of 2 states- Delhi and Punjab- are the subjects. the students have been tested before instructed and spilt into 2 groups- control, which received no treatment, and experimental, which received SBL.
Part of Project: Longitudinal Study on Reading and Writing at the Word, Sentence, and Text Levels
Description: This dataset is longitudinal in nature, comprising data from school years (2007/2008-2010/2011) following students in grade 1 to grade 4. Measures were chosen to provide a wide array of both reading and writing measures, encompassing reading and writing skills at the word, sentence, and larger passage or text levels.
Part of Project: Longitudinal Study on Reading and Writing at the Word, Sentence, and Text Levels
Description: This document provides information regarding the naming of variables within the dataset, as well as information regarding the specific tests and subtests included in said dataset.
Document Type: Codebook