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Description: This project has two research aims.
Description: Project Goals:
The first goal will fill a CUREs gap by creating self-supporting and sustainable protein-centric
CUREs. The second goal will use this protein-centric CUREs community to examine two critical
aspects of a CURE: 1) the impact of the length of CUREs (course long CUREs (cCUREs) or shorter, modular
Description: Abstract
Description: This project was funded by the NIH through the P50 Florida Learning Disabilities Research Center. More information about the project can be read in this publication about the project:
Taylor, J., Martinez, K., & Hart, S.A. (2019). The Florida State Twin Registry. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22(6), 728-730.
Description: We will build out the comprehensive infrastructure (data integration, research products, training, and policy relevant recommendations) which is required to support informed and open-source use of the new US Report And Placement Integrated Data System (RAPIDS).
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the first wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2012.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: Race and ethnicity variables can be particularly problematic for data reidentification and data misuse in publicly available datasets, and as such were removed from the original datasets. This dataset contains race and ethnicity information for all waves of data that may be available upon request.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains information from the Florida Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) linked to the Florida Twin Project twins.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the initial survey assessment completed by parents and twins (who were 9 years or older) regarding the twin pair's environments and behaviors (2010). T
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains measures from the third wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2016). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains measures from the second wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2014). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains measures from the first wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2012). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 3 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2016. This contains measures related to the child's home and school environment, attitudes regarding books, home, school, and friends, and several behavioral surveys (PANAS, CADS, etc.).
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 2 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2014. This contains measures related to the child's home and school environment, attitudes regarding books, home, school, and friends, and several behavioral surveys (PANAS, CADS, etc.).
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 2 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2012. This contains measures related to the child's home and school environment, attitudes regarding books, home, school, and friends, and several behavioral surveys (PANAS, CADS, etc.).
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the third wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2016.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the second wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2014.
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Flowers, N., & Song, E.-J. (2022). Community home visiting services and child maltreatment report rates, Illinois zip codes, 2011–2018. Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, 105884. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.105884
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H. (2023). Community child care availability and child maltreatment report rates, Illinois zip codes, 2011-2018. Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4608687
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Young Kim, Y., Song, E.-J., & Windsor, L. (2023). Policies to reduce child poverty and child maltreatment: A scoping review and preliminary estimates of indirect effects. Children and Youth Services Review, 107311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107311
Document Type: Other