In the present study, we conduct a meta-analysis of the PA-reading relationship for participants in African contexts. As a starting point, we conducted a broad search to find relevant research which included direct measures of phonological awareness and reading with an African sample, including research with measures on first language (L1), and additional language (Lx), and more multilingual participants. Following this, we conducted abstract and full-text screening with the underlying aim of identifying the meta-analytic correlations between L1 PA and L1 reading, Lx PA and Lx reading, L1 PA and Lx reading, and lastly Lx PA and L1 reading. Through moderator analysis, we aim to identify variables that may affect these correlations including language type, the language of instruction, types of phonological awareness and reading measures, age, grade, and country SES, among other variables. As a secondary aim, we examine who is represented in the participant samples, authors, and funders, and describe whether the included studies have used open science principles including but not limited to open data, open materials and preregistration.
Project: The within- and cross-language correlation between phonological awareness and reading in African contexts: a meta-analysis
Project Active From
January 2023
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Document: Full text screening protocol for PA-Reading in African Contexts Meta-Analysis
Last update: May 1, 2023
Description: This document includes the protocol followed to screen full-texts for the project: "The within- and cross-language correlation between phonological awareness and reading in African contexts: a meta-an... -
Document: Abstract Screening Protocol For PA-Reading in African Contexts Meta-analsysis
Last update: May 1, 2023
Description: This document includes the protocol followed to screen abstracts for the project: "The within- and cross-language correlation between phonological awareness and reading in African contexts: a meta-ana...