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Description: The National Project on Achievement in Twins (NatPAT) is funded by the National Institutes of Health (grant number HD052120).
Description: Abstract
Description: The purpose of this IES-funded project (#R305A180293, PI = Bailey) was to evaluate the efficacy of Preschool RULER, an approach to social and emotional learning focused on young children and the key adults in their lives (https://rulerapproach.org).
Part of Project: National Project on Achievement in Twins
Description: This is the survey that was sent to NatPAT caregivers in mid-summer 2021, focused on COVID-19 pandemic impacts on their family.
Part of Project: National Project on Achievement in Twins
Description: This document contains the codebook and all necessary information for the NatPAT COVID-19 Summer to Fall 2021 Survey that was adminsitered.
Document Type: Codebook
Part of Project: National Project on Achievement in Twins
Description: This is the survey that was sent to NatPAT caregivers in mid-summer 2021, focused on COVID-19 pandemic impacts on their family.
Document Type: Assessment Materials