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Description: In this study, we examined if data analytics gleaned from an online literacy application could inform teachers of student reading progress above and beyond their progress monitoring scores. Participants were all K-1 students in one elementary school in a southeastern state.
Description: This meta-analysis examined effects of intervention on the level and trend of text-writing sequences of students with disabilities and writing difficulties, in addition to potential moderating effects related to student demographics (i.e., disability status, age, gender, and race) and writing task (i.e., sentence, essay, and narrative).
Description: The project delves into the students' opinions of the need and importance of MOOCs in teacher education programmes. These students belong to New Delhi, India and are all pursuing Bachelor's of Education.
Description: The study has been conducted to study the impact of simulation based learning in middle school students of India. The students of 2 states- Delhi and Punjab- are the subjects. the students have been tested before instructed and spilt into 2 groups- control, which received no treatment, and experimental, which received SBL.
Part of Project: Writing Sequences of Students with Disabilities: A Review Contrasting Level and Trend Effects
Description: This meta-analysis examined effects of intervention on the level and trend of text-writing sequences of students with disabilities and writing difficulties, in addition to potential moderating effects related to student demographics (i.e., disability status, age, gender, and race) and writing task (i.e., sentence, essay, and narrative).
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This is the accepted Stage 1 registered report version of the paper "Examining differential intervention effects: Do Individualized Student Intervention effects vary by student abilities and characteristics?".
Document Type: Preregistration
Part of Project: Headsprout Data Analytics
Description: This is the original consent form used for the study. It includes the text for the parent consent form. The child assent script is included at the bottom of the document.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Headsprout Data Analytics
Description: This is the survey used to assess the home literacy environment. It includes demographic items about the home, types of literacy activities, and access to literacy-related materials.
Document Type: Assessment Materials