Science of reading experts have called for increased attention on oral academic language. Specifically, interventions need to integrate multiple dimensions of academic language—word-, sentence-, and discourse-level patterns—to impact listening comprehension. In addition, interventions that facilitate learning multiple methods to acquire word meanings from context are most likely to have an impact on reading comprehension. In this project, we examine the extent to which an oral academic narrative language intervention, with embedded vocabulary instruction, enhanced first graders’ listening comprehension and generalized word learning.
Project: Oral Academic Narrative Language Intervention
Project Active From
Educational Environment
Educational Curricula
Project Method(s)
Developmental Design
Funding Agency
Northern Arizona University Undergraduate Research Council
Most Recent Datasets in Project
Dataset: Pre- and Post Retell & Inferential Vocab Data AND Repeated Acquisition Design Data for Taught Words
Last update: December 27, 2022
Description: This file contains data according to two research designs: small scale RCT and a Repeated Acquisition Design (single case research). The vocabulary at the pre- and post- collections were untaught word...