Displaying results 1 - 20 of 23 (Go to Advanced Search)
Description: We will build out the comprehensive infrastructure (data integration, research products, training, and policy relevant recommendations) which is required to support informed and open-source use of the new US Report And Placement Integrated Data System (RAPIDS).
Description: This project has two research aims.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all item level student data for both studies and all timepoints.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the kindergarten student level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a student-level file, we include student aggregates of teacher measures in this data set. This file includes one case for each student.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the G1 student level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a student-level file, we only include student aggregates of teacher measures in this data set due to COVID-19 preventing data collection on G1 students .
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the teacher level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a teacher-level file, we include teacher aggregates of student measures in this data set. This file includes one case for each teacher.
Part of Project: Building Infrastructure and Training Tools to Understand CPS Involvement and Trajectories: An Open-Source Approach
Description: National county-level longitudinal data: Linking report records and census data covering the period from 2007 to 2019.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: The User Guide gives a complete overview of the project. It includes specific study descriptions, consort charts, measurement descriptions, and more.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Building Infrastructure and Training Tools to Understand CPS Involvement and Trajectories: An Open-Source Approach
Description: National individual-level longitudinal data: Compiling report records and foster care records spanning from 2005 to 2021.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Young Kim, Y., Song, E.-J., & Windsor, L. (2023). Policies to reduce child poverty and child maltreatment: A scoping review and preliminary estimates of indirect effects. Children and Youth Services Review, 107311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107311
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H. (2023). Community child care availability and child maltreatment report rates, Illinois zip codes, 2011-2018. Available at SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4608687
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Flowers, N., & Song, E.-J. (2022). Community home visiting services and child maltreatment report rates, Illinois zip codes, 2011–2018. Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, 105884. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.105884
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Gundersen, C., & Windsor, L. (2023). Community food insecurity predicts child maltreatment report rates across Illinois zip codes, 2011–2018. Annals of Epidemiology, 79, 76–83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2023.01.008
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H. J., & Kim, H. (2023). County-Level relationships between foreign-born residents, Latinos, immigration enforcement, and child maltreatment report rates in the United States, 2015−2018. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(17–18), 10309–10332. https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605231171412
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Song, E.-J., & Windsor, L. (2022). Evidence-based home visiting provisions and child maltreatment report rates: County-level analysis of US national data from 2016 to 2018. Child Maltreatment, 107755952211075. https://doi.org/10.1177/10775595221107533
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Chiang, C.-J., Song, E.-J., & Windsor, L. (2022). Do county mental health, physical health, and care provider availability predict child maltreatment report rates? Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, 105880. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2022.105880
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Song, E.-J., & Windsor, L. (2023). Longitudinal changes in the county-level relationship between opioid prescriptions and child maltreatment reports, United States, 2009–2018. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1037/ort0000682
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., & Drake, B. (2023). Has the relationship between community poverty and child maltreatment report rates become stronger or weaker over time? Child Abuse & Neglect, 143, 106333. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106333
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Public Policies, Community Conditions, and Child Abuse and Neglect: National and Statewide Data Analyses and Literature Reviews
Description: Supplementary Materials for
Kim, H., Gundersen, C., & Windsor, L. (2023). Community food insecurity and child maltreatment reports: County-level analysis of U.S. national data from 2009 to 2018. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(1–2), 262–287. https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605221080148
Please read "supplement.docx" first.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This is the codebook to accompany CKLA Teacher Level dataset
Document Type: Codebook