Project: Vanderbilt University Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub: Word Problems, Language, & Comorbid Learning Disabilities


The purpose of this Hub was to deepen insight into an understudied and vulnerable subset of students with learning disabilities (LD), students with comorbid difficulty across reading comprehension (RC) and word problem solving (WPS) and whether text structure intervention in one domain transfers to the other domain. Second-grade children with comorbid learning difficulty across RC and WPS were randomly assigned to 3 conditions: RC text-structure intervention, WPS text-structure intervention, or the standard school program (the control group). Each of the two active intervention conditions involved 45 30-min sessions conducted one-to-one for 15 weeks. RC, WPS, and text-structure knowledge were assessed before and after intervention. Multilevel models testing main effects and testing text-structure knowledge as a mediator of significant main effects were conducted.

Project Active From
January 2017 to August 2022
Project Method(s)
Developmental Design
Funding Agency / Grant Number
National Institutes of Health; National Institute of Child Health & Human Development; / 2P20HD075443

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