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Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains information from the Florida Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) linked to the Florida Twin Project twins.
Part of Project: Western Reserve Reading and Math Project
Description: This dataset contains all longitudinal data for the entirety of the WRRMP. This includes 10 waves worth of twin data, with extensive reading, math, behavioral, and environmental measures. Due to the twin nature of the data, data is presented as both long and wide, with each twin represented twice within the dataset.
Part of Project: Headsprout Data Analytics
Description: Data from the Headsprout data analytics project. This dataset includes student progress monitoring data (DIBELS, TOWRE, CELF), data analytics from their engagement in Headsprout, and information about their home literacy environment (UFLI Home Literacy survey.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This data set includes all total scores, demographics, home literacy environment, etc. for Project KIDS. Data are in wide format, with separate variables for each wave of assessments. All 4038 participants are represented in the data.
Part of Project: Listening to Speech and Non-speech Sounds Activates Phonological and Semantic Knowledge Differently
Description: This contains the data related to the project "Listening to Speech and Non-speech Sounds Activates Phonological and Semantic Knowledge Differently" and its related manuscript which is available at 10.1177/1747021820923944
Part of Project: Vanderbilt University Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub: Word Problems, Language, & Comorbid Learning Disabilities
Description: Nesting variables, treatment condition, demographics, pretest and posttest reading and math variables, text-structure knowledge for classmates of second-grade children with comorbid learning difficulty