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Description: There are consistent correlations between mathematics achievement, attitudes, and anxiety, but the longitudinal relations among these constructs are not well understood nor are sex differences in these relations.
Description: Sex differences in the strength of the relations between mathematics anxiety, mathematics attitudes, and mathematics achievement were assessed concurrently in sixth grade (n = 1,091, 545 boys) and longitudinally from sixth to seventh grade (n = 190, 97 boys).
Description: This study examined longitudinal outcomes of late-talking toddlers. Specifically, we included toddlers who participated in the Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage for Late Talkers (VAULT) treatment protocol.
Part of Project: Math Achievement, Attitudes, and Anxiety
Description: Mathematics achievement, attitudes, and anxiety were longitudinally assessed for 342 (169 boys) adolescents from 7th to 9th grade, inclusive, and Latent Growth Curve Models were used to assess the relations among these traits and developmental change in them.
Part of Project: Sex Differences in Mathematics Anxiety and Attitudes
Description: Sex differences in the strength of the relations between mathematics anxiety, mathematics attitudes, and mathematics achievement were assessed concurrently in sixth grade (n = 1,091, 545 boys) and longitudinally from sixth to seventh grade (n = 190, 97 boys).
Part of Project: A Longitudinal Assessment of Late Talking Toddlers
Description: This dataset contains the data from the overarching project that was collected via the Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage for Late Talkers (VAULT) protocol. This data is longitudinal in nature, containing data for baseline, pretest, at treatment, post treatment, and a delayed follow-up for 68 students.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all item level student data for both studies and all timepoints.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the kindergarten student level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a student-level file, we include student aggregates of teacher measures in this data set. This file includes one case for each student.
Part of Project: A Longitudinal Assessment of Late Talking Toddlers
Description: This codebook contains the information needed to understand the variable naming conventions and structure for the VAULT dataset from the larger Longitudinal Assessment of Late Talking Toddlers project. Information is available for all timepoints.
Document Type: Codebook
Part of Project: A Longitudinal Assessment of Late Talking Toddlers
Description: This document serves as an adjunct for understanding the nature of the VAULT data and its accompanying codebook. Specific information and citations are provided for the individual measures used. Additionally, the timeline/protocol used within the project is detailed in this document.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: The User Guide gives a complete overview of the project. It includes specific study descriptions, consort charts, measurement descriptions, and more.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This is the codebook to accompany CKLA student item level deidentified dataset.
Document Type: Codebook