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Description: In this study, we examined if data analytics gleaned from an online literacy application could inform teachers of student reading progress above and beyond their progress monitoring scores. Participants were all K-1 students in one elementary school in a southeastern state.
Description: The analysis of narratives often accompanies comprehensive language assessments of students. While analyzing narratives can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, recent advances in large language models (LLMs) indicate that it may be possible to automate this process.
Description: Project KIDS aimed to rigorously combine data from several independent RCTs to explore individual differences in response to intervention, focused on cognitive, behavioral, contextual, and family history correlates of intervention response.
Description: The purpose of this study is to explore the relations among elementary schools’ RTI (Response to Intervention) implementation and teachers’ awareness of RTI implementation and student outcomes.
Part of Project: Automated Narrative Scoring Using Large Language Models
Description: Narrative language samples elicited using the ALPS Oral Narrative Retell and Oral Narrative Generation tasks from diverse K-3 students. The tworaters data set was drawn randomly from the larger corpus of narrative language samples. These samples were scored by two raters for reliability purposes.
Part of Project: Automated Narrative Scoring Using Large Language Models
Description: Narrative language samples elicited using the ALPS Oral Narrative Retell and Oral Narrative Generation tasks from diverse K-3 students. The training data set was drawn randomly from the larger corpus of narrative language samples.
Part of Project: Automated Narrative Scoring Using Large Language Models
Description: Narrative language samples elicited using the ALPS Oral Narrative Retell and Oral Narrative Generation tasks from diverse K-3 students. The test data set was drawn randomly from the larger corpus of narrative language samples.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: These data include information on family demographics, home environment, health information, child diet and nutrition, BRIEF, SWAN, all at the item level. This is cross-sectional data. Data can be linked to other Project KIDS data through the PK_ID variable.
Part of Project: Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI Implementation with a Focus on Students Receiving Tier 3 and Special Education
Description: These are data from 65 school administrators.
Part of Project: Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI Implementation with a Focus on Students Receiving Tier 3 and Special Education
Description: These are data from 1000 teachers and 77 administrators. Data include demographic variables on teachers, and their perceptions of RTI implementation in their school. This is a cross-sectional dataset.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This data set includes all total scores, demographics, home literacy environment, etc. for Project KIDS. Data are in wide format, with separate variables for each wave of assessments. All 4038 participants are represented in the data.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: These data are for each item on all achievement and behavioral assessments completed during the original intervention projects. The dataset is wide, with separate variable names for each wave of assessment. All participants (n= 4,038) are included. These data can be linked to the "total level" data using the PK_ID variable.
Part of Project: Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI Implementation with a Focus on Students Receiving Tier 3 and Special Education
Description: This is a pdf version of a qualtrics version of the teacher knowledge of their school's RTI implementation survey.
Document Type: Assessment Materials
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This is a useful figure for new users of Project KIDS to see how the project worked. It lists the original projects, dates, and sample sizes of each component of Project KIDS.
Document Type: Figure
Part of Project: Headsprout Data Analytics
Description: This is the survey used to assess the home literacy environment. It includes demographic items about the home, types of literacy activities, and access to literacy-related materials.
Document Type: Assessment Materials
Part of Project: Headsprout Data Analytics
Description: This is the original consent form used for the study. It includes the text for the parent consent form. The child assent script is included at the bottom of the document.
Document Type: Other
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This is the accepted Stage 1 registered report version of the paper "Examining differential intervention effects: Do Individualized Student Intervention effects vary by student abilities and characteristics?".
Document Type: Preregistration