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Part of Project: Math Achievement, Attitudes, and Anxiety
Description: Mathematics achievement, attitudes, and anxiety were longitudinally assessed for 342 (169 boys) adolescents from 7th to 9th grade, inclusive, and Latent Growth Curve Models were used to assess the relations among these traits and developmental change in them.
Part of Project: Reading Anxiety and Reading Achievement: A Meta-Analysis
Description: This is the data that was extracted from existing studies for use in this meta-analysis on reading anxiety and reading achievement. This includes 44 studies. Many of the studies had multiple effect sizes. Each row of data represents a effect size (long format).
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the initial survey assessment completed by parents and twins (who were 9 years or older) regarding the twin pair's environments and behaviors (2010). T
Part of Project: Early Childhood Educators' Work and Stress
Description: These data are from time point 2 of the project. The data are in wide format. Data contain constructs of work characteristics, income, housing, economic hardship, food insecurity, personal stress, personal self-efficacy, depression, anxiety, and hair cortisol confounders.
Part of Project: Early Childhood Educators' Work and Stress
Description: These data are for time point 4 of the study. Data are in wide format.
Part of Project: Western Reserve Reading and Math Project
Description: This dataset contains all longitudinal data for the entirety of the WRRMP. This includes 10 waves worth of twin data, with extensive reading, math, behavioral, and environmental measures. Due to the twin nature of the data, data is presented as both long and wide, with each twin represented twice within the dataset.
Part of Project: Speech and language skills in children with nonsyndromic cleft palate with or without cleft lip
Description: These data are from our third meta-analysis project. The speech-vocabulary analysis represented eight samples and the speech-mlu analysis represented four samples. The ages ranged from 18-months to 39-months.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all item level student data for both studies and all timepoints.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the teacher level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a teacher-level file, we include teacher aggregates of student measures in this data set. This file includes one case for each teacher.