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Part of Project: Profiles of Working Memory and Word Learning for Educational Research (POWWER)
Description: This dataset incudes data from 248 second graders (7- to 8-year-olds) with typical development from three states. One hundred sixty-seven were monolingual English-speaking and 81 were dual Spanish- and English-speaking.
Part of Project: Unpacking Shyness Heterogeneity and Influencing Factors among Chinese Adolescents: A Person-centered Approach
Description: A total of 898 junior high school students in grades 7 to 9 from Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, China, were selected for this study with the necessary approvals from both schools and parents. The study was conducted as a group survey with the supervision of a psychology professional, and was administered during class time.
Part of Project: Reading Anxiety and Reading Achievement: A Meta-Analysis
Description: This is the data that was extracted from existing studies for use in this meta-analysis on reading anxiety and reading achievement. This includes 44 studies. Many of the studies had multiple effect sizes. Each row of data represents a effect size (long format).
Part of Project: Support networks for instructional coaches and special education teachers
Description: These data include demographic information on the participating coaches (n = 15) and their coaching context. These data are crosssectional and include specific ego-IDs that can be used to merge with Alter and Tie datasets.
Part of Project: Support networks for instructional coaches and special education teachers
Description: These data contain perceived demographic data on named alters (by Ego) and perceived support provision. These data can be combined with Ego level data to make a nested set using key ID variables.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all item level student data for both studies and all timepoints.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the teacher level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a teacher-level file, we include teacher aggregates of student measures in this data set. This file includes one case for each teacher.
Part of Project: Early Childhood Educators' Work and Stress
Description: These data are from time point 1 of the study and are in wide format.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: These data include information on family demographics, home environment, health information, child diet and nutrition, BRIEF, SWAN, all at the item level. This is cross-sectional data. Data can be linked to other Project KIDS data through the PK_ID variable.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the third wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2016.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the initial survey assessment completed by parents and twins (who were 9 years or older) regarding the twin pair's environments and behaviors (2010). T