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Part of Project: Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving
Description: This file contains data associated with "Children’s Baseline Working Memory Moderates the Effects of Working Memory Training,” a paper submitted for publication by Lynn Fuchs, Sonya Sterba, Marcia Barnes, and Douglas Fuchs of Vanderbilt University.
Part of Project: The Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievment: A Meta-Analysis
Description: The data are in long form, with some studies having multiple lines and includes a sample of children ranging from 3.54 to 13.75 years old. The main effect size is the r, correlation coefficient, and the accompanying sample size is also included.
Part of Project: Colorado Twin Project
Description: This is the Colorado Twin Dataset in Long Format
Part of Project: Vanderbilt University Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub: Word Problems, Language, & Comorbid Learning Disabilities
Description: Nesting variables, treatment condition, demographics, pretest and posttest reading and math variables, text-structure knowledge for classmates of second-grade children with comorbid learning difficulty
Part of Project: Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving
Description: This file contains data associated with "Building Word-Problem Solving and Working Memory Capacity: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Three Intervention Approaches", a publication in the Journal of Education Psychology (2022), 2022, Vol. 114, No. 7, 1633–1653.
Part of Project: Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving
Description: This file contains data associated with "Building Word-Problem Solving and Working Memory Capacity: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Three Intervention Approaches," a publication in the Journal of Education Psychology (2022), 2022, Vol. 114, No. 7, 1633–1653.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: These data are for each item on all achievement and behavioral assessments completed during the original intervention projects. The dataset is wide, with separate variable names for each wave of assessment. All participants (n= 4,038) are included. These data can be linked to the "total level" data using the PK_ID variable.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This data set includes all total scores, demographics, home literacy environment, etc. for Project KIDS. Data are in wide format, with separate variables for each wave of assessments. All 4038 participants are represented in the data.
Part of Project: A Longitudinal Assessment of Late Talking Toddlers
Description: This dataset contains the data from the overarching project that was collected via the Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage for Late Talkers (VAULT) protocol. This data is longitudinal in nature, containing data for baseline, pretest, at treatment, post treatment, and a delayed follow-up for 68 students.
Part of Project: Early Childhood Educators' Work and Stress
Description: These data are from time point 1 of the study and are in wide format.