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Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: The Vocabulary and Comprehension (VoCo) project was a small study involving 44 struggling readers in Grade 9. The treatment was a multicomponent reading intervention delivered over 80 sessions during one school year. Data on measures of reading comprehension and fluency were collected at pre-test and post-test.
Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: Students were in Grades 8 or 11 and enrolled in general education social studies or in Grades 7-12 and enrolled in general education English/language arts classes. Data were collected using measures of reading and other academic skills, attitudes, and student characteristics. All students participated for one school year only.
Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: Students were in Grades 8 enrolled in general education social studies or in Grades 7-12 and enrolled in general education English/language arts classes. Data were collected using measures of reading and other academic skills, attitudes, and student characteristics. All students participated for one school year only.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: This data set includes all total scores, demographics, home literacy environment, etc. for Project KIDS. Data are in wide format, with separate variables for each wave of assessments. All 4038 participants are represented in the data.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains measures from the second wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2014). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 3 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2016. This contains measures related to the child's home and school environment, attitudes regarding books, home, school, and friends, and several behavioral surveys (PANAS, CADS, etc.).
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 2 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2014. This contains measures related to the child's home and school environment, attitudes regarding books, home, school, and friends, and several behavioral surveys (PANAS, CADS, etc.).
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the wave 2 survey completed by the twins who were 9 and older about themselves, administered in 2012. This contains measures related to the child's home and school environment, attitudes regarding books, home, school, and friends, and several behavioral surveys (PANAS, CADS, etc.).
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the third wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2016.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the second wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2014.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the first wave of surveys sent to parents of twin pairs in 2012.
Part of Project: The Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievment: A Meta-Analysis
Description: The data are in long form, with some studies having multiple lines and includes a sample of children ranging from 3.54 to 13.75 years old. The main effect size is the r, correlation coefficient, and the accompanying sample size is also included.
Part of Project: National Project on Achievement in Twins
Description: This is the survey that was sent to NatPAT caregivers in mid-summer 2021, focused on COVID-19 pandemic impacts on their family.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains measures from the first wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2012). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievement Meta-Analysis R code using the Metafor package
Part of Project: The Home Math Environment and Children's Math Achievment: A Meta-Analysis
Description: This code was written in R version 3.5.3 using the metafor package (Viechtbauer, 2010). First the dataset is called in, then the variables are converted to the correct formats for analysis, then the escalc() function is used to calculate an overall Fisher's Z effect size, which is then converted to an R correlation coefficient.
Code Type: Analysis
Part of Project: Home Math Environment Study
Description: This code cleans up the raw data, re-names variables, recodes values, and codes subscales. The code was originally written in SAS.
Code Type: Data Management
Part of Project: Reading Anxiety and Reading Achievement: A Meta-Analysis
Description: We are conducting a meta-analysis on the association between reading anxiety and reading achievement. This document, specifically, is our preregistered coding sheets we plan to use for extraction of information from each study included in the meta-analysis.
Document Type: Preregistration
Part of Project: Reading Anxiety and Reading Achievement: A Meta-Analysis
Description: In this preregisteration we outline our plan for conducting this meta-analysis on the association between reading anxiety and reading achievement. We provide a description of the study, including the study aims and research questions.
Document Type: Preregistration
Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: This document serves as a codebook for all related project datasets. Project years and subtests are separated as distinct worksheets within the document. This codebook spans 4 years and contains information on a large variety of tests and measures, and as a result is quite long.
Document Type: Codebook
Part of Project: Home Math Environment Study
Description: This codebook describes all the data in the final dataset, and includes variable names, values, and the text of the items.
Document Type: Codebook