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Description: This study examined longitudinal outcomes of late-talking toddlers. Specifically, we included toddlers who participated in the Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage for Late Talkers (VAULT) treatment protocol.
Description: Word knowledge is critical for speaking, reading and writing, yet a substantial proportion of children with language impairment demonstrate poor word learning and consequently poor vocabulary. Because vocabulary has a causal relationship with reading comprehension, this presents a significant national health concern.
Description: The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) partnered with the University of Houston, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas A&M University, and Florida State University to improve the reading comprehension of students in grades 7 through 12.
Description: Information for the broader "Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving" project is described below.
Description: This study addresses first-grade students with comorbid difficulty across word reading and calculations. Students with comorbid difficulty are randomly assigned to 4 conditions, a control group, coordinated treatment across reading & math, reading-only treatment, & math-only treatment.
Description: The purpose of this Hub was to deepen insight into an understudied and vulnerable subset of students with learning disabilities (LD), students with comorbid difficulty across reading comprehension (RC) and word problem solving (WPS) and whether text structure intervention in one domain transfers to the other domain.
Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: Students were in Grades 11 enrolled in general education social studies or in Grades 7-12 and enrolled in general education English/language arts classes. Data were collected using measures of reading and other academic skills, attitudes, and student characteristics. All students participated for one school year only.
Part of Project: A Longitudinal Assessment of Late Talking Toddlers
Description: This dataset contains the data from the overarching project that was collected via the Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage for Late Talkers (VAULT) protocol. This data is longitudinal in nature, containing data for baseline, pretest, at treatment, post treatment, and a delayed follow-up for 68 students.
Part of Project: Profiles of Working Memory and Word Learning for Educational Research (POWWER)
Description: This dataset incudes data from 248 second graders (7- to 8-year-olds) with typical development from three states. One hundred sixty-seven were monolingual English-speaking and 81 were dual Spanish- and English-speaking.
Part of Project: Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving
Description: This file contains data associated with "Building Word-Problem Solving and Working Memory Capacity: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Three Intervention Approaches," a publication in the Journal of Education Psychology (2022), 2022, Vol. 114, No. 7, 1633–1653.
Part of Project: Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving
Description: This file contains data associated with "Building Word-Problem Solving and Working Memory Capacity: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Three Intervention Approaches", a publication in the Journal of Education Psychology (2022), 2022, Vol. 114, No. 7, 1633–1653.
Part of Project: Vanderbilt University Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub: Word Problems, Language, & Comorbid Learning Disabilities
Description: This dataset includes the observations to determine the fidelity of implementation of the treatment conditions in the study.
Part of Project: Vanderbilt University Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub: Word Problems, Language, & Comorbid Learning Disabilities
Description: Nesting variables, treatment condition, demographics, pretest and posttest reading and math variables, text-structure knowledge for classmates of second-grade children with comorbid learning difficulty
Part of Project: Vanderbilt University Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub: Word Problems, Language, & Comorbid Learning Disabilities
Description: Nesting variables, treatment condition, demographics, pretest and posttest reading and math variables, text-structure knowledge for second-grade children with comorbid learning difficulty .
Part of Project: Improving the Academic Performance of First-Grade Students with Reading and Math Difficulty
Description: This data set includes teacher identification (nesting) variable, reading and math scores, cognitive scores, and demographics .
Part of Project: Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving
Description: This file contains data associated with "Children’s Baseline Working Memory Moderates the Effects of Working Memory Training,” a paper submitted for publication by Lynn Fuchs, Sonya Sterba, Marcia Barnes, and Douglas Fuchs of Vanderbilt University.
Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: Students were in Grades 8 enrolled in general education social studies or in Grades 7-12 and enrolled in general education English/language arts classes. Data were collected using measures of reading and other academic skills, attitudes, and student characteristics. All students participated for one school year only.
Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: Students were in Grades 8 or 11 and enrolled in general education social studies or in Grades 7-12 and enrolled in general education English/language arts classes. Data were collected using measures of reading and other academic skills, attitudes, and student characteristics. All students participated for one school year only.
Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: The Vocabulary and Comprehension (VoCo) project was a small study involving 44 struggling readers in Grade 9. The treatment was a multicomponent reading intervention delivered over 80 sessions during one school year. Data on measures of reading comprehension and fluency were collected at pre-test and post-test.
Part of Project: Promoting Adolescents’ Comprehension of Text (PACT)
Description: Students were in Grade 11 enrolled in general education social studies or in Grades 7-12 and enrolled in general education English/language arts classes. Data were collected using measures of reading and other academic skills, attitudes, and student characteristics. All students participated for one school year only.