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Description: The purpose of this IES-funded project (#R305A180293, PI = Bailey) was to evaluate the efficacy of Preschool RULER, an approach to social and emotional learning focused on young children and the key adults in their lives (https://rulerapproach.org).
Description: The purpose of this project was to develop a small-group literacy intervention for kindergarteners who are at-risk for reading and writing difficulties.
Description: The Meta-analysis of Educational RCTs with Follow-up (MERF) dataset was created to investigate critical questions about educational intervention fadeout and persistence. The sample is comprised of interventions targeting a diverse array of child outcomes across development (e.g.
Description: The primary goal of this project was to learn more about reading disabilities, particularly how they are displayed prior to entry into formal schooling and the emergence of conventional reading skills.
Description: Science of reading experts have called for increased attention on oral academic language. Specifically, interventions need to integrate multiple dimensions of academic language—word-, sentence-, and discourse-level patterns—to impact listening comprehension.
Description: Information for the broader "Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving" project is described below.
Description: Project KIDS aimed to rigorously combine data from several independent RCTs to explore individual differences in response to intervention, focused on cognitive, behavioral, contextual, and family history correlates of intervention response.
Description: The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) partnered with the University of Houston, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas A&M University, and Florida State University to improve the reading comprehension of students in grades 7 through 12.