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Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the kindergarten student level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a student-level file, we include student aggregates of teacher measures in this data set. This file includes one case for each student.
Part of Project: Project KIDS
Description: These data include information on family demographics, home environment, health information, child diet and nutrition, BRIEF, SWAN, all at the item level. This is cross-sectional data. Data can be linked to other Project KIDS data through the PK_ID variable.
Part of Project: Western Reserve Reading and Math Project
Description: This data is supplemental but non-essential to the main dataset. This contains race and ethnicity variables removed to preserve data integrity and data privacy.
Part of Project: Florida Longitudinal Study
Description: This is the data set for the Florida Longitudinal Study
Part of Project: Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving
Description: This file contains data associated with "Building Word-Problem Solving and Working Memory Capacity: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Three Intervention Approaches", a publication in the Journal of Education Psychology (2022), 2022, Vol. 114, No. 7, 1633–1653.
Part of Project: Embedding Working Memory Training within Math Problem Solving
Description: This file contains data associated with "Building Word-Problem Solving and Working Memory Capacity: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Three Intervention Approaches," a publication in the Journal of Education Psychology (2022), 2022, Vol. 114, No. 7, 1633–1653.
Part of Project: Phonological processing skills and their longitudinal relation to first and additional language literacy in isiXhosa and isiZulu speaking children
Description: This OSF Project contains the summary statistics and correlations for the variables included in the study. The raw data is not shared. The link includes information from bilingual Xhosa-English and Zulu-English children from South Africa assessed in first grade, and twice in third grade.
Part of Project: Writing Sequences of Students with Disabilities: A Review Contrasting Level and Trend Effects
Description: This meta-analysis examined effects of intervention on the level and trend of text-writing sequences of students with disabilities and writing difficulties, in addition to potential moderating effects related to student demographics (i.e., disability status, age, gender, and race) and writing task (i.e., sentence, essay, and narrative).
Part of Project: Oral Academic Narrative Language Intervention
Description: This file contains data according to two research designs: small scale RCT and a Repeated Acquisition Design (single case research). The vocabulary at the pre- and post- collections were untaught words whereas the weekly probes for the RAD were the taught words of that week.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the G1 student level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a student-level file, we only include student aggregates of teacher measures in this data set due to COVID-19 preventing data collection on G1 students .
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all of the CKLA data sets at the teacher level. It focuses on the variables most likely to be analyzed. Although this is a teacher-level file, we include teacher aggregates of student measures in this data set. This file includes one case for each teacher.
Part of Project: Efficacy of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program in Kindergarten through First Grade Classrooms
Description: This data set is a wide file that merges all item level student data for both studies and all timepoints.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: Race and ethnicity variables can be particularly problematic for data reidentification and data misuse in publicly available datasets, and as such were removed from the original datasets. This dataset contains race and ethnicity information for all waves of data that may be available upon request.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains information from the Florida Progress Monitoring and Reporting Network (PMRN) linked to the Florida Twin Project twins.
Part of Project: National Project on Achievement in Twins
Description: This is the survey that was sent to NatPAT caregivers and twins in mid-summer 2022, focused on COVID-19 pandemic impacts on caregivers' and twin's lives.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains results from the initial survey assessment completed by parents and twins (who were 9 years or older) regarding the twin pair's environments and behaviors (2010). T
Part of Project: A Longitudinal Assessment of Late Talking Toddlers
Description: This dataset contains the data from the overarching project that was collected via the Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage for Late Talkers (VAULT) protocol. This data is longitudinal in nature, containing data for baseline, pretest, at treatment, post treatment, and a delayed follow-up for 68 students.
Part of Project: Florida Twin Project on Reading, Behavior, and Environment
Description: This dataset contains measures from the third wave of data collection of the twins' achievement (collected in 2016). Data was collected via parent assessment using instructions sent in the mail.
Part of Project: Vanderbilt University Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub: Word Problems, Language, & Comorbid Learning Disabilities
Description: This dataset includes the observations to determine the fidelity of implementation of the treatment conditions in the study.
Part of Project: Vanderbilt University Learning Disabilities Innovation Hub: Word Problems, Language, & Comorbid Learning Disabilities
Description: Nesting variables, treatment condition, demographics, pretest and posttest reading and math variables, text-structure knowledge for classmates of second-grade children with comorbid learning difficulty